Sixty Two

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It was barely the crack of dawn.

And you have yet to leave the bathroom. The bath was filled with scorching hot water, it almost burnt you're akin in the beginning but the pain soon eased your internal pain. There was still an aching heavy feeling in your chest that you were trying to ignore but it was so dominant that it causes the lump in your throat to become too large that it felt like you were swallowing a large pill dry.

Your head rests on your knee, the morning breeze coming through the window and through the blinds. The sunrise bringing in more light into the bathroom as you rocked yourself gently back and forth. The bubbles surround you as well as the sweet scent of cocoa butter fills your senses.

The quiet environment allows you to think more clearly and freely with nobody to question or pressure you. You knew that eventually, you needed to speak to Jennie and Jungkook but right now you just wanted to be alone.

One thing you couldn't help yourself was...are you overreacting? Was running away from him really that much of a good idea?

But also...Why didn't Jimin just tell you? Was he scared that you were going to react that same way as you are right now? Which brings you back to your first question...

Were you overreacting?

There's a knock on the door, it's a gentle touch, the sound echoes through the bathroom and you already know that it was Jennie.

Was this going to be the last of you and him? No words could ever express how much you love Park Jimin. No words whatsoever could muster the amount of love and butterflies that surrounds you every time you were with him. You bared him everything about you, being with him was a moment of vulnerability.

Deep down you knew he felt the same, but that was your reason for being completely honest with him. You were hoping that was enough of the reason for him to be just open an honest with you.

"I made some food for you, " Jennie says gently, " I'll put in the microwave for you, just come downstairs when your ready, "

Her hand presses against the door, your eyes screw tight already feeling what she was going to say next.

"I love you, " She whispers.

But you don't hear Jennie...

You hear Jimin.


"Do you really want to do this?"

Jungkook's eyes read over the words as he spreads the papers on the counter and reads them to himself before moving them around. London, Fucking London.

That's across the planet, so far away from Korea, so far away from far away from him.

Just as he is certain that he was in love with Jennie, the world decides to throw this into his face.

"I don't really have a choice, "She whispers, "As much as I want to stay, here with you and the boys...I just can't take that risk."

So that was it? That was the end of Jennie and Jungkook? His heart just couldn't take the thought of that, he looks down at the plane tickets in his hand and his eyes tear up. This day is literally almost two weeks away. That's literally around the corner, and his heart and dick needed to accept that...but as he continues to think of all the things he wanted to so with Jennie but never had the chance to do them...his heart breaks all over again.

"But Jennie what about us?" He whispers

She takes a deep breath, walking towards him with small steps. Her hand reaches to the back of his head. Jungkook relishes the feeling of her acrylic nails on his scalp, she turns his head to face her but she breathes hitches in her throat when she sees Jungkook's tears.

"Kook, " Jennie says, a thump wiping away a falling tear, "You have been there for me so much recently it makes my heartache. No words could ever really express how much you mean to me. Not only have I gained an obsession with you but there's a new profound love for you that you have grown inside my heart."

Jungkook turns to Jennie.

"Are you breaking up with me?" Jungkook coaks.

Jennie bites her lip, " Do you want us to break up?"

He shakes his head, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her closer. Jennie whimpers into his embrace, instantly wrapping her arms around his neck.

"I want us to work out but how can we so that when I'm across the planet, " She asks

"We'll make it work it work." Jungkook whispers, " We'll make it work."



Your back pressed against the wall as you eavesdrop on the conversation. You had less than two weeks left in Seoul before your leave, and you can't help but wonder if you were planning on seeing Jimin before you leave.

Why was everything happening so fast?

You feel like your relationship has been around for two seconds, but it feels like you've been away from Jimin for a few years. You thought maybe you'd want some space and then eventually talk to Jimin but now there's a new fact that you are moving.

Time is ticking, you feel like the world is moving forward and you have come to an abrupt standstill.

You shake your head, ignoring the hunger before glancing down towards Jungkook as he continuously presses kisses all over face. Despite the heavy mood in your apartment, you watch Jennie break out into a wide grin and release a line of her adorable giggles.

She sounds so happy.

With him.

How can you feel so relieved about London of you'll be taking Jennie away from Jungkook? This was making you feel so... Selfish. She was your best friend, Jennie has done a lot of things to assure your happiness. It would kill you if she asked to stay to be with Jungkook but you wouldn't force her to come with.


Was it something you really wanted?

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