Thirty Six

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^*my plot isn't too slow is it? I'm not boring you guys right?^*And I'm heavily missing DNA era Jimin😭✋🏽 I'm chaotic

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^*my plot isn't too slow is it? I'm not boring you guys right?
^*And I'm heavily missing DNA era Jimin😭✋🏽 I'm chaotic

You sat beside Jimin, your cold small hands cupping his as your cheeks remained stained from your tears. It was way past visiting hours, the hospital remained deadly silent as there was now no nurses or doctors walking around. As you place your head on the hospital bed, you kiss Jimin's knuckles before allowing your thumb to brush over them.

Relief washes over but it doesn't outweigh your anxiety. The doctor said Jimin would wake up either tonight or tomorrow, he had asked you to double-check his diet and at that second you couldn't help but feel something within you just feel hurt.

He hasn't been eating.

All those memories of him had to somewhat involve food, every time the man was at your apartment either Jennie was cooking or you were eating leftovers. All those times both of you had shared food would flash your mind. You didn't know, he didn't know he was struggling. No wonder he was so defensive when you wanted to talk to him feeling sick.

"Please wake up, " You whisper.

But you get no sign acknowledgment. Jungkook spoke to the doctor personally before delaying all of his messages. The man mentioned that Jimin is going to have no pain, but was recommended to rest. Jennie encouraged you to come home but you just couldn't leave him here all on his own.

Jimin feels his lids flutter, the light blinding him as yours closed. You hum a soft tune, fingers drawing circles on his hand. You feel yourself slowly drift into sleep, sniffling gently but the sounds hooks onto Jimin's ears. His hand twitches into yours, but you barely notice. Jimin slowly but surely wakes up, his nose scrunches up.

He sees a glimpse of your bright white hair, and feels a jolt of energy bolting through his body.

"Y/n, " He gasps, " Baby, wake up."

Your eyes quake open and they instantly meet with his brown orbs, your body doesn't stop you as you stand to your feet, arms already wrapping themselves around him.

"Jimin, " You croak, hands already roaming over him as you attempt to clarify to yourself that the man was indeed awake, relief washes over you but the small drops of tears trail down your cheeks yet again, " I'm so glad you're okay. I was so scared that I lost you."

I was so scared that I lost you.

His hands capture your wrist, releasing a heavy breath to calm himself as well as yourself - the man had just woken up, he wanted you to at least give him a moment to adjust. But as he sat upright, your words ring through his ears and he didn't know what to think. Jimin knew you were feeling guilty, somewhat blaming yourself but there was more to the story.

And Jimin didn't even know where to begin.

Jimin tiredly cups your face, his thumb wiping the wet tear stain gently while all you can do is look at him. Something was stopping you from talking, and that was your fear of overstepping boundaries. What if his eating habits was a sensitive thing for him to talk about? You don't want to force it out of him.

"I didn't mean to scare you, " He said, "I didn't think it would go that far. I'm sorry."

Your lips twist in discomfort, teeth nibbling your inner lip. Your eyes meet, and he can see you were nervous.

"Jimin what's going on?" You whisper, feeling yourself lean into the side of the bed some more, "I meant what I said when I said I won't judge you. But I need you to tell me if you're really okay. I hate this feeling of not knowing how I can make you feel better."

"I thought I had lost you for good, "You croak, " I couldn't stop crying and took Jennie so long just to calm me down."

The guilt weighed on his chest, so much that Jimin takes a deep breath and prepares himself to confess. He urges you to climb onto the hospital bed, you give him a skeptical look but Jimin didn't really care. You don't put up a fight, him helping you climb onto the bed before pulling close. Once his hands settle on your waist and tugging you close. Your hands settle his neck and Jimin clears his throat.

He was nervous.

"The truth is, " He starts, and you give him your undivided attention. The silence the hospital gives you the ability to do so.

And you wait patiently, watching him fall anxious under your gaze. You pull him into a hug, resting your head on his neck, once you feel your back start to strain, Jimin pulls your closer to comfort.

"I'm a Zombie, " He confesses, " The reason I've been getting sick is that I lack the diet to sustain a healthy life. "

"But why did you tell me?" You whisper, " Jimin, I could've helped."

When your mind flashes back to all the times you with him, your thoughts would scatter. Whenever he was with you, Jennie either cooked or you were eating leftovers. You always had food with you and worked at a cafè. You just couldn't believe all those times you brushed off - that out of the handful of the times the man has seen you eat, you've only seen him eat at least three times.

He knows you were what you were. You could've helped him.

"Why would I judge my own kind? I wasn't going to turn you away or be angry." You mumble into his shoulder, leaning away a bit just to kiss his shoulder.

You feel his grip around you tighten and that's when Jimin suddenly became emotional. The way you were so gentle, whether it be your words or your touch. Jimin felt a safe space starting to build whenever he was around you.

He pulls away, hand finding it's way to have a firm grip on your cheek as well as a portion of your neck.

"I need you right now, " He says weakly, " I promise we will talk about everything tomorrow morning."

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