Thirty Nine

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^*do we approve my new wallpaper?😫

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^*do we approve my new wallpaper?😫

"Well if it isn't my favourite dumbass, "

Jungkook cheeses a bright smile as he walks into Jimin's hospital room. You were out somewhere in the cafeteria, leaving Jimin in his room for a moment alone after such an emotional morning. Jimin only wore sweatpants, nothing on his upper half because you were currently wearing his sweatshirt.

"You actually look handsome, " Jungkook chuckles, giving Jimin a duffle bag before sitting next to him on the bed, " You ready to get out of here?"

"Yeah, I'm just waiting for Y/n then we can go."

Silence fills them while Jimin tries to find a shirt inside of the bag, Jungkook felt himself become awkward, nibbling onto his lip nervously. He feels so much more relieved that Jimin was okay. Despite the man being an idiot and them fighting almost all the time because of the shitty decisions he had made but at the end of the day.

Jimin was his best friend.

"I'm glad you're okay, " Jungkook said, resting his hand on Jimin's bareback.

"Yeah, " Jimin shrugs, sliding the shirt over his head.

And they wait for you're arrival.


You patiently wait in line, tired in more ways than just one. The cafeteria had a good range of food but you were only here to grab a few snacks as well as coffee, you were planning on having your normal breakfast as soon as you got home.

Jimin's large hoodie swallows you whole, making you look exceptionally tiny as you sat down patiently for your order to come. As you tap away on your phone, you barely acknowledge the chair move and someone sitting down right on it.

"Are you playing Candy Crush like you always do?" A voice calls out, you stop typing mid-sentence and look up to see Hendary with a gentle smile on his face, a bouquet of different shades purple flowers sitting in his lap," You've always had an addiction with that game."

You give him an uncertain look,"No, I was just texting someone."

"What are you doing here anyway?" You ask, leaning back into your seat.

"Remember when I told you about my pregnant Aunt? She gave birth to a baby girl today." He smiles, "I just came to stop by and give her my support."

"You should congratulate her for me, "

And the both of you fall quiet. Your phone vibrates in your hand and you look down when you realize Jimin had texted you. Hendary watches as your smile become a wide grin, that's when the jealousy begins to hit him harder at that moment. He hasn't really paid attention to the way you were responding to the Jimin situation.

Last time, you were hysterical and you pushed the man away. Only calling for Jimin.

"How's Jimin?"

You shake your head at Jimin's joke. Laughing under your breath.

"He's getting discharged as we speak, " You laugh as you read the words, "I actually should fetch my coffee and get going."

Hendary gets irritated. Watching you blush as you type away on your phone. He was trying to start a conversation and you weren't really giving him that much attention. Both of you stand up while you push your phone into the hoodie pocket. The words slip between his lips and he couldn't even stop himself in time.

"Why him?" He snapped, " Jimin isn't even your type."

You freeze at his words. And you couldn't help but feel uncomfortable. Hendary has always been a close friend, despite him being you're ex-boyfriend. And it's not like you didn't value his opinion but... He didn't know Jimin.

So you really didn't appreciate the way he was coming off right now.

"You don't know Jimin, okay? Stop acting as you do." You announce annoyed, giving a fake smile to the woman as you collect your order.

"I know him more than you do,"

And something in you snaps. After this morning, you and Jimin will be growing a lot more closer than what you have ever imagined. The man has told you his story, one you will hold dearly to yourself. Jimin was an asshole to others - and with no doubt, you do admit it.

But once upon a time, you were also apart of 'others' and you hated the man's guts. However, that's only because you didn't know. You didn't know what Jimin was going through - you had no idea up until today.

And from today onwards, you will be a lot more emotionally overprotective for Jimin, it only felt necessary.

"Seriously Y/n - you have no idea what his capable of, he is lying to you but it is also possible that the man can hurt you. I don't want him to hurt you Y/n."

You scoff, walking away whilst occasionally sipping the coffee. He trailed behind you, panic-stricken upon his features as you made a turn down the hall. He was hovering over you, the flowers held firmly in one hand whilst the other grips your wrist and turns you around.


"What?" You snap, " What, Hendary?"

His eyes drop at your tone, and you feel yourself finally being annoyed. Your phone vibrates in your hands and you can barely hear Jimin and Jungkook talk upon themselves.

"Jimin isn't who you think he is, " He breathes, " Y/n, you have to believe me. I have never lied to you and you know it."

Your eyes narrow at him, " You have lied to me and you do know it. I don't care what you say about Jimin. I love him with everything in me - nothing in the world is going to change that."

You're so naive.

He wanted to shout, but the pleading look in your eye causes him to let you go. He hated how you were more of a lover than a fighter. He hated the way you saw the good in people - but Jimin was a criminal and Hendary just wanted to protect you. He watches as the back of your head moves into Jimin's chest.

Jimin kisses your forehead, asking you why you were upset but you tell him quietly that you will tell him later, glancing towards Hendary and Jimin simply follows your gaze, hands-on your hip, and guides you out of the hospital.

And Hendary simply watches before thinking.

You were just going to have to learn the hard way.

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