Fifty Six

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Suddenly the heavy weapon that rested well on his abdomen feels a lot lighter

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Suddenly the heavy weapon that rested well on his abdomen feels a lot lighter. The gun only had one bullet, in which Sicheng feels like will be more than enough to kill you. All those nights he spent in a cell, he relished the feeling of his hands around your neck.

Sicheng would always remember life slowly dripping at the corner of your eyes alongside with your heavy tears as you weakly fought against his embrace... It was exhilarating - all of it.

One moment that had to most definitely be his favorite was when he looked you dead in the eye and he told you that no matter what, he was going to kill you. That was a promise to himself that he said he was planning on keeping.

He was on thin ice with the law, one more mistake and the cops are going to lock him up for life. Which is why he is comfortable with going to jail, after killing you. Then Sicheng would feel comfortable and prideful enough to serve his time. He flicks the finished cancer stick, making sure to step on it and making a steady step onto the empty street.

"No, " You squeal, " Jimin, no more kisses!"

"Come on baby, one more."

"No!" You whine, running away from him.

You barely even notice Sicheng in front of you, colliding into his chest with such an impact that he almost stumbles to the ground. Instead, his arm wraps around your shoulder and instantly turned you around. You gasp at the harsh movement, eyes enlarged as you feel the gun press to your back.

Jimin halts in his steps, eyes squinting as he watches the shadow overcome you.

"Oh look who decided to land right back into my hands."

Sicheng. The familiar voice causes your organs to rattle and this very moment your world stops. Jimin watches you, looking as the fear began to pour within your orbs. Tears begin to fill in your eyes as his arm pulled harder against your neck. You whimper in discomfort and a quiet sob leaves your lips.

Jimin rolls up his sleeves, taking a step towards you.

"Take one more step, " He says, reaching by his beltline and taking out the gun before pushing it against your temple.

Jimin can feel his hands shake, his orbs slowly turning into a darker colour as his lips twitch in anticipation. Jimin tried his absolute hardest to protect you, did everything that he could to make you happy even he was the one who fucked up. He feels as if no matter how hard he tried to maintain your good mood. Something comes along and ruins everything.

Sicheng warned Jimin about his intention. That man had promised him that he was going to kill you - it seemed like it was an eternity ago when he has confessed that to Jimin. But now that moment was right in front of his eyes - watching your lips tremble as the tears fall down your cheeks Jimin felt like a failure.

"Jimin, " You whimper, snapping him out of his thoughts.

"Don't worry baby, "Jimin reassures, " Everything is going to be fine. You are okay."

"What if he-"

"He wouldn't." He says, Jimin's eyes running cold, " He wouldn't dare."

"Oh?" Sicheng laughs, " You want to talk about dares."

He pushed into your temple, a loud click rings in your ears and your eyes shut. You were petrified, your life was now sitting in the palm of his hand. Waiting for the bullet to pierce your scalp - Jimin's eyes widen and that's when the reality of the situation really started sinking in.

"Oh? Would you look at that." He smiles, "Park Jimin is scared."

His hand moves from your shoulder to your neck and Sicheng harshly grips your neck. And no matter how much you tried to push away your thoughts. You couldn't. Your mind races back to when Jimin had his hand on your neck - the look in his eyes causes you to shudder.

Another thought was when the man behind you strangled you on your apartment floor.

All these memories were causing a heavy feeling to settle within your chest.

"What do you want?" Jimin says frantically, " I- I will do it."

"That is the thing with you!"

You flinch at the man's voice. You could feel the vibrations of his voice as your back pressed against his chest, tears fall faster down your cheeks as your hand attempted to remove his hand from your neck.

"You always think you can do what you want and not expect any consequences. You're trying to convince yourself that you're a changed man - Jimin I've known you for years. I'm the one who was there for you when you were at your lowest. not Jungkook, not her!"

Jimin looks at him - confused.

"What is this really about?" Jimin scoffs, " You don't even know her. If you're angry. Be angry with me. Don't involve her in our shit."

"Because she sees you as some kind of hero."He says, " The way she looks at you...talks about you...she makes you seem like the greatest person in the world. She doesn't even know about the shit you do in your free time - she doesn't know what you're really capable of."

Your eyebrows furrow, the silence was now sickening and your eyes pierced into Jimin's. You didn't feel reassured at all, you felt lost and out of place - but mostly. You felt so confused. What the hell was Sicheng talking about?

"You don't know Jimin, okay? Stop acting as you do." You announce annoyed, giving a fake smile to the woman as you collect your order.

"I know him more than you do,"

You stop cry, eyes open as you try to push the memory away, but the words were beginning to drown your thoughts.

"Seriously Y/n - you have no idea what his capable of, he is lying to you but it is also possible that the man can hurt you. I don't want him to hurt you Y/n."

Is this what Hendary was trying to warn you from?


"What?" You snap, " What, Hendary?" 

His eyes drop at your tone, and you feel yourself finally being annoyed. Your phone vibrates in your hands and you can barely hear Jimin and Jungkook talk upon themselves.

"Jimin isn't who you think he is, " He breathes, " Y/n, you have to believe me. I have never lied to you and you know it."

Hendary has never lied to you before...and you do know it.

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