Chapter Seven: The Plan Reprise ~1 James

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            “Matthew! Oh God!” I yelled, as we backed up away from him. He bolted upright, and he snapped his head at us, looking at our eyes straight.

            “Get away from him! Everyone!”” John said, spreading his arms before us. All students stopped working or talking, and was looking at Matthew—dumbstruck. The only thing that made me shiver was the fact Matthew stared at me for about…fifteen seconds now.

            “Shit, what is he up to,” I whispered to John.

            John was about to answer back, but Matthew shrieked and reminded me of the zombies I had fend off myself.

            Matthew leaped from the table.

            For barely three seconds, he already attacked one freshman with us. John called for Jules’s attention, and at once, Jules stepped with me and John.

            “Matthew! Hey! Matthew!” Jules said, and I raised a brow. What is he doing?

            Our infected friend looked like he was smiling at us, but I find his smile scary—more of a killer clown’s evil grin. I noticed my classmates—about four of them—got weapons pointed at Matthew. I see Jimmy and Adrian hold a bow with a sharp-pointed arrow notched to it. Miguel had his racket ready, and I see June holding up a cleaver.

            Noe shouted at him, “Don’t you ever go on attacking us!”

            Matthew bared his teeth at us.

            Before he can move, Jules flew from behind and he slashed him from his shoulder blade diagonally to his heart, and lifted it up again on his other shoulder—the kind of slash Voltes Five does on his giant enemies.

            “No!” Ronald wails.

            Jimmy shrieked, “Yes! You did it!”

            Jules shushed everyone. “Shut up! You think this is fun for me?!”

            We all fell silent. John didn’t leave by my side. Jules’ katana had blood dripping from it, and with a thud, my friend Matthew crashed on the floor, his neck to head sliced off his torso like his bones were made of rubber.

            “Now to set our minds in, we need everyone in full cooperation,” Jules said, circling around just to make sure everyone inside hears it. “If you’ve been bitten, or got infection blood on you, please raise your hands.”

            No one raised their hands. John sighed, and he looked at me. It’s alright, he mouthed.

            I was about to say “Let’s go eat again” when the freshman Matthew attacked got to his feet. A terrible scream broke, and it turned my blood to ice.

            The boy of about thirteen was strangling one of Jet’s classmates, J.D..

            Pandemonium exploded—the infected took a lunge to J.D.’s neck, and he screamed his head off again. We panic, and John pushed me aside as J.D. fell shaking on the floor. Katie attended him, and his blood spurted on her clothes.

            “H-Hold on,” she cried. But I realized she must have known as well that she can’t do anything more. Not much to rescue her friend.

            Ella and the other girls were pulling away, heading for the stairs. “Saint Joseph! Head upstairs!”

            Jimmy, I full sense, notched an arrow to his bow, and shot the freshman on his chest. I was about to go and approach him, but John said something that I stopped.

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