Chapter Nine: The First Prince ~1 James

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            We reached a safe house.

            I don’t know how John was able to swerve amongst the harmful things we encountered, but thank God we’re still alive. I sat on one corner of the old, battered house, and John was nowhere to be found.

            Hey, that’s weird.

            I don’t remember this place being in the description of our mentor, Mr. Riggins. He said that the house will be dirty yet welcoming, but this place was cold and unyielding. Creepy.

            I felt like my head was about to split open, and it feels so hurt it’s like I got spanked on the back of my head. It wasn’t bleeding, and I felt fine.

            But when I turned to my absolute right, I see someone lying on his stomach. He had his uniform drenched with blood, like he was hitting his back with nailed whips.


            I ran to help him, and I didn’t think it helped me right now. My legs felt heavy and broken, but I was already standing up. I feared that when I turn to my left, I’ll see something I’ll not be able to resist.

            I was—I see rusty iron bars on the doorstep where a door should’ve been.

            “John! Wake up! John!” I shake John, and I rolled him up so he was lying on his back. His face was full of bruises, and those red spots I bet was some kind of punch he got. All I remember was…

            We were caught.

            John thought we got away, but one mad scientist leading a convoy of armored trucks came to arrest us. No, not arrest. To capture us.

            I suddenly felt a panicked feeling. Where are the others? The cell was unbelievably quiet and empty, like it wasn’t built for humans. A small window with three thick bars was on the wall opposite to the bars. I stood up and gave up on waking John up.

            I got to the bars, and the instant my tense fingers touched the bars, I quickly jabbed my hands away—the bar was electrically charged. My finger numbed in silent pain, and I fell on my knees again. John was groaning, and he was coming to life.

            “Where are we?” John asked me. He was caressing his head like he was hit on the back of his head too, and he was wincing as we wiped his eyes.

            “We’re imprisoned,” I said. Lying won’t be of any use, would it?

            “I thought we…escaped?” He looked deranged, but I don’t see any wound in him. I got to my feet, and search for something useful.

            Well, there’s no food, and I noticed that the cell wasn’t that empty. There’s a small sink on one wall, and the walls are so cold like they hold water behind them. Faint light was filtering on the small window, flooding the area with nostalgic, hopeless hue.

            John was sitting uncomfortably adjacent to the cold wall like he was getting crazy, but knowing him for four years, he’ll tell me if there’s something wrong with him.

            Will we still escape the place?

            That’s the question I’m having right now. We’ve got no idea where the others are, or if they’re still alive. I can only be hopeful, but hope drains from me quicker than anything.

            Fear digs deeper inside me, and it had gone the deepest it can when I see two humans wearing white overalls, their faces covered with gas mask and oxygen supply, and I suspect something not nice was about to happen.


Hello guys.

I'm supposed to post the succeeding parts on November, but as you can see, <user> was on my dedication. Heheh, he nagged me to post another part.

Seriously I can't wait anymore for to post the remaining chapters.

Happy sembreak everyone! :)


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