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Yeosang paced nervously with the rest of the omega's and few weaker betas in his pack. His alpha had ordered him to stay behind for his protection. It made him restless and nervous.

Several weeks ago, another pack had come forward and threatened the rest of the packs, stating they should be in charge of them all. Some hogwash about having the most ancient bloodlines.

The head alphas of the threatened packs had gathered and agreed to stand together to keep the order of how things had been for centuries.

So when the enemy pack attacked, they went to war.

All alphas were called to battle, and stronger betas were asked to fight too. Yeosang had always been a little smaller, so when his mate asked him to stay behind, he had to obey.

He whined when he heard the fighting start. It was an awful, gut-wrenching sound. Snarls, whimpers, howls, and every other sound imaginable started to echo in the distance.

Some of the omegas came to stand by him, looking up to him since he was mated with the second in command. He did the best he could to reassure them, but they could all feel it whenever a pack member died.

And if an alpha died, his mate would howl in anguish as the mating mark burned and their connection was lost.

Some of the omega's even died from the pain...

Yeosang whimpered as he felt his mate's pain from the fighting, but he would take it. As long as he could feel his mate, that's all he wanted.

Then they heard a snarl come from their left. Yeosang looked over and saw a large, female alpha stalking over to them. She had hit the jackpot, coming across a group of unprotected omegas.

Being one of the only beta's there, Yeosang moved in front of the others and snarled at her in warning.

A deep, rumbling laugh came from her chest and she used her alpha blood to let out a long, dominant growl.

Yeosang was immediately forced into submission as he bowed before her. But that didn't stop him from snarling at her.

Alpha! He cried out, hoping his mate could come help. He would be helpless against the female if she kept using her dominating tone.

Then he felt it, his alpha had heard him and was coming.

His heart raced when he saw Hongjoong come running over the hill and slam into the female. Yeosang immediately ran to follow his alpha and watched as they wrestled with each other. Hongjoong and the female fought for dominance and Yeosang cursed his DNA as he submitted again, laying low to the ground.

Then Hongjoong was pinned and fighting for control, but the alphas were so focused on each other that Yeosang could move again. He tackled the female, freeing his alpha. He watching in horror as the continued to fight. Unable to let his alpha fight alone, he nipped at the female's legs, giving Hongjoong an advantage.

Yeosang winced when he watched his alpha rip the female's throat out, but he went to check on him immediately.

When nuzzling his alpha, he felt himself finally start to calm down again. Until they realized their pack was gone. Whether everyone had been killed, or they had fled the battle, they didn't know.

Hongjoong made a decision. We should go. I can't fight anymore. There's too many of the other pack.

You know I'll follow you anywhere. Yeosang whined, licking his alpha's neck.

They fled from the battle, thankful to be together but mourning the loss of their pack.

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