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Mingi tapped his foot impatiently as he stared out the window. Maria was late. He didn't care if it was practically blizzarding out and that there was already almost two feet of snow on the ground.

Seonghwa was due any day now and he was at his wits end...

The past few months had passed peacefully for the pack. They had started to stockpile a savings account from the hunting they were doing, San had fully healed and only had a few pale scars from the bigger wounds. They were thankful he hadn't lost complete use of his arm.

Yunho still suffered from morning sickness until just recently. Being almost six months along he was starting to slow down a little bit, complaining of back pain. He still had his bubbly personality, but his pregnancy was definitely a lot rougher on him. Jongho hardly ever left his side, and neither did Wooyoung.

Although when he did disappear San seemed to be the only one who could ever find him.

Like now.

As Mingi waited for Maria, San was heading to one of the corners of the house in search of his mate, a worried expression on his face. Yunho needed some help and Jongho and San needed to go hunting for food for the pack.

Hongjoong always insisted on being present whenever Kenneth and Maria came over. Even though the couple had proven themselves as trustworthy so far, the head alpha didn't want to leave anyone alone with them.

Mingi respected him for that. San and Jongho were more than capable of hunting, even though the young alpha hated leaving his mate. But Yeosang was needed to help Maria.

"Should we go look for them?" Hongjoong asked, coming to stand next to Mingi. "I feel bad making them come out here in this weather..."

"We have rooms for them to stay in." Mingi growled. He knew he was being selfish, but Seonghwa was constantly complaining about how much he wanted their baby out of him. And his omega being cranky made Mingi crankier.

Hongjoong just smiled next to him.

They both craned their necks when they heard the sound of an engine in the distance. Mingi burst through the front door as soon as he recognized the car and opened the door for Maria before her mate had even turned the engine off.

"I am so sorry it took us so long, the roads are just horrible right now!" Maria shivered in her coat and Mingi wrapped protective arms around her as he led her inside.

Kenneth followed behind carrying a few bags. "I hope you don't mind, but..."

"Let me take those." Hongjoong said, immediately taking the bags. "We wouldn't have it any other way. I'm so sorry you had to drive out here in the middle of this horrible storm."

"Oh don't apologize! Maria wouldn't have it any other way. If you hadn't called us she probably would have demanded that we drive out here anyway." The older beta chuckled.

Mingi found himself smiling down at the midwife. Her eyes sparkled as he helped her through the front door. "Thanks handsome. Now," She clapped and rubbed her hand together. "Where is he?"


Maria let out a bright laugh and shuffled down the hall, carrying a bag in each hand. "I'm coming honey, I'm coming!"

The alpha rubbed the back of his head and sent a silent plea to Hongjoong before trotting after their midwife.

When he got into the room he shared with Seonghwa, Maria was already fussing over him. "It's ok, this stage is called Braxton Hicks. Your body is getting you ready for labor."

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