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The entire camp was broken down in a hurry as the Hunters prepared to move out. Colonel Gregson had his orders and he would see them through.

The wolves were gathered in the motel room. Lizbeth had her eyes closed as was rocking back and forth, her white hair swayed with her, as she chanted the words to a spell over and over. The stones in her hand started to glow until they turned white.

She gasped, her face showing she was surprised that it actually worked, but that was quickly dismissed as she tied a cord around each of the stones, turning each one into a necklace.

"As long as we wear this, we should be immune to any of the spells Primera has set around the fortress."

"And they will work even when we are wolves?" Yunho asked, quickly tying his around his neck.

"Yes." Lizbeth answered. Her voice was firm and she gave a strong nod. "They will. And these," She handed Yunho and Yeosang a small pouch that they also slipped around their necks. "Should heal them. Not all the way, but enough that they can decide if they want to stay and fight or not."

"Ok, so we split up and go for Hongjoong and Jongho." Mingi said, running over the plan one more time. "The Hunters will be with us, some of them already on their way there now to start working on any traps. We get the others out before we head back in to look for San, Wooyoung, and Seonghwa."

Yunho placed a comforting hand on Mingi's shoulder. He knew the alpha was worried about his mate and baby. "We will get them."

Mingi took a deep breath and nodded. "Are we ready?"

"As ready as we can be." Yeosang said. His face was set in a scowl as he stared at the door. "Let's do this."

As soon as they set foot outside, Yunho was pleased to see that half the Hunger's were already gone, indicating they were headed north.

The four of them embraced each other and then stripped before transforming. Yunho turned to the silvery-grey wolf next to him. Lizbeth nodded her head, relinquishing her command to him.

Mingi and Yeosang took off to where Hongjoong was, and Lizbeth followed him to where he sensed Jongho was.

Hold on, Jongho. I'm coming. Yunho sent to him in a private link.


Yunho whined and lengthened his stride, pushing himself to the limit as he ran.





Jongho could feel the life slipping away from him. He didn't even have the strength to keep his eyes open. He missed Yunho so much right now...

If he could see him one last time, that would be enough for him.

Blood still poured from his wound as he lay there.

Time passed so slowly.

He saw something flashing on the other side of his eyelids and he figured this had to be it. He was going to die.

Yu....nho..... I lo.....





Yeosang could hear gunfire ahead of him. The Hunters had either set off the traps or Alpha Pack had set up an ambush. But he couldn't worry about that.

The Hunters knew what they looked like, so he and Mingi could dart past them while doing their best to avoid any other wolves.

The death toll was already high. Bodies, both human and wolf, were everywhere. He did his best to force out the screams of the men and the snarls of the wolves and he pushed forward.

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