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Jongho killed wolf after wolf, using his power against anyone who opposed him. His head alpha had ordered him to protect as many as he could. They knew he was the strongest fighter.

He did his job well. There were several wolves he came across that were pinned beneath the enemy that he freed by knocking the wolf away and either ripping their throat out or crushing their windpipe.

Soon his unique tan and black coat was coated with thick red blood, but he didn't let that stop him. When one wolf went down, another took its place.

He even had two try to take him on at once. He defeated them easily by ducking under their attacks and letting them run into each other. He killed them while they were still dazed.

And yet, despite all his efforts, they were losing. He could feel his pack link getting smaller and smaller. He started to panic, looking all over for his family and friends as the war continued.

Then he heard the command from his alpha. He called for them to retreat. Jongho huffed in relief and took off down the field, continued to take out any enemy wolves he came across.

He was almost there when another alpha latched onto his neck and swung him around in a circle before releasing him. He flew through the air and slammed into a tree, letting out a loud yelp and slumping to the ground.

Something had definitely broken. He whimpered as he tried to push himself to his feet, feeling his pack getting farther and farther away from him.

Wait... He called out over their bond.

The head alpha sent a feeling of regret through the bond.

They were going to leave him behind... they could sense he was wounded, and they had lost too many to try and come back and fight for him.

Jongho slid to the ground and closed his eyes. He fought back tears as he felt his pack link disappear.

Soon, his world went black.

He awoke some time later aware that everything hurt. He could feel something nearby, but his senses still weren't strong enough to make something out. But he was still in wolf form, so he was too weak to shift back...

Something pressed against his shoulder and he howled in pain and whipped his head around to snap at whatever had touched him.

A tall, lanky boy shuffled back and held his hands up. He wore baggy clothes that were torn in several places.

And his scent. Beta.

Jongho growled in warning.

"I'm just trying to help you. You have a couple of cracked ribs and your front leg is bleeding. I'm honestly surprised you're still alive." He said softly, holding his hands up.

Jongho looked him up and down. He had fluffy black hair and a kind face. A calming presence surrounded him. He huffed and let his head rest on his front paws.

The boy moved forward again and pressed against his shoulder again. Jongho growled, but closed his eyes and turned his head away from the beta this time. It must have been some mixture of herbs because the longer it touched him, the better he felt.

"There, that's better. We should wait here for a bit, let that soak in. I'd hate to move you with your ribs cracked, but I don't think we can stay here long. Humans are bound to find this place at some point, along with other scavengers."

Jongho turned his head so he could watch the beta. He surveyed the battle field with a worried look on his face. Did he loose someone too? What was he doing here? Why did he decide to help him?

So many questions ran through his mind, but he was thankful the beta had stopped to help him.

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