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Jongho and the beta spend a few days recovering in the hidden cave. He spent most of that time sleeping, while the other would leave to go find food or get more herbs. He was so eternally grateful to the beta.

When he was finally healed enough to shift, Jongho suddenly felt very nervous. He waited until he was alone to go through the process, groaning as he got used to human limbs again while he dressed. His shoulder was stiff from where he had been wounded and he moved it in circles to try and loosen it.

"Here, let me help." The beta's soft voice came from behind him.

Jongho froze and went to turn around, but he already had hands gently massaging his shoulder.

"I'm glad to see you're strong enough to shift. You heal quickly."

The alpha shivered as he felt the warm breath on the back of his neck. "Th-Thank you. For, for helping me." Jongho said quietly.

"You're welcome. I'm Yunho, by the way. I don't think I ever introduced myself."

"No, but I wasn't exactly in the best place to communicate." Jongho said quietly. "I'm Jongho."

"It's nice to meet you, alpha."

Jongho shivered at the title. He turned around to face Yunho and saw a playful, but submissive look on his face. "Where's you pack?"

"I left it. I... I didn't agree with some of the things they did to a friend of mine." Yunho clenched his jaw and moved to sit on a rock, leaning against the cave wall.

"You left... willingly?" The alpha arched an eyebrow, impressed that a beta could do that.

Yunho looked up at him and he felt his wolf stir. "Where's yours?"

"Most died in the fighting. Because I was wounded, my head alpha left me behind." He sighed and looked at the ground. After everything he'd done for them, all the blood he had given, they just... left him.

A tear slid down his cheek and Jongho quickly moved to wipe it away, but another hand beat him to it. He looked into Yunho's soft eyes. "It sounds like we need each other then." He flashed a wide smile.

Jongho felt his wolf stir again and suddenly he was pushing Yunho up against the wall, his lips attached to his neck. The beta eagerly exposed it to him, whimpering as he heard a deep rumbled come from the alphas chest. His own wolf growled in response.

Yunho clawed at Jongho's shirt, pulling it over his head and he gasped. The alpha was... perfect. His muscles rippled as Yunho's eyes drifted down his body. He bit his lip and looked back up at the alpha's face and he nearly whimpered again as he was met with red eyes.

"You like what you see?" Jongho's wolf growled. He stalked closer so that Yunho was wedged between his body and the cave wall.

"Yes, alpha."

"We are both on our own," Jongho suddenly said, his eyes flashing between his sweet chocolate brown and blood red. He left the question hanging in the air, actually giving Yunho a choice.

"I don't feel like I could be apart from you even I if I tried." Yunho whispered, reaching up to take Jongho's hand.

Their lips slammed together. Even though he was shorter, Jongho still seemed to tower over the beta as he claimed is mouth, his wolf's hunger driving him forward. He ripped Yunho's already shredded shirt off his body and placed his hands on his chest.

Jongho growled at the feeling. He'd never attempted to mate with anyone before, mostly because he never felt he had the time. He was always taking care of the pack.

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