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Yunho picked his way through the field of bodies. His heart broke at all of the lives that had been lost today. All because one pack wanted to rule the others.

He scanned the bodies, looking for any survivors, but also looking to see if he could find his friend. He prayed that he didn't. He couldn't stand it if he found his body...

Then he sensed someone off to the side. It was weak, but there was an alpha nearby. His ears perked up as he moved forward and trotted in the direction of the alpha.

When he found him laying against a tree, Yunho ran forward to examine him. The alpha was covered in blood, to the point where his coat looked red. Some was his, most wasn't.

Yunho shifted and put on the clothes he had tied to his ankle before scouring the trees for healing herbs. He had been trained by his mother in the art of healing before she had died, so he had a good idea of what to do.

Combining the herbs he found, he leaned forward and pressed them to the wound in the alpha's shoulder.

The wolf woke up immediately and snapped at him. Yunho felt the presence of command in the alpha, but he was too weak to actually force him to submit. So he did it willingly by holding up his hands. "I'm just trying to help you. You have a couple of cracked ribs and your front leg is bleeding. I'm honestly surprised you're still alive." He said softly.

The alpha stared at him for another moment and then sighed. Yunho took that as permission to continue and kept treating the wound.

When he was satisfied with his work, he sat close to the alpha to keep watch over him. "There, that's better. We should wait her for a bit, let that soak in. I'd hate to move you with your ribs cracked, but I don't think we can stay here long. Humans are bound to find this place at some point, along with other scavengers."

The alpha closed his eyes, sighing a little. Yunho looked over the field, scanning for any other sign of life. He was still torn between seeing his friend, he prayed if he saw him that he would be alive.

They stayed there for a few hours. When Yunho sensed a predator getting close, he undressed and tied his clothes to his ankle before shifting.

He nudged the alpha awake and whined softly in warning. The alpha whimpered as he pushed himself up on shaky legs. Yunho leaned into him for support and guided him through the trees.

Their progress was slow, but they both knew they needed to keep moving.

Soon he smelled water and pushed the alpha in that direction. They came across a small lake at the bottom of a mountain cliff fed by a waterfall. While the alpha rested against a tree, Yunho surveyed the area for signs of any other wolves. He could smell a couple, but they were faint. He even discovered a cave behind the waterfall, but they'd have to swim to get there.

Satisfied, he led the alpha to the lake and around the side of the lake. When he stopped, he moved to stand in front of the alpha and make eye contact. Then he jerked his head to the waterfall.

The alpha shuddered but seemed to understand and started walking forward.

They swam slowly, Yunho stopped several times to dive under the water to help the alpha stay afloat, but eventually they made it to the cave.

The alpha collapsed immediately and sighed heavily. Yunho whined with concern and curled up next to him to help keep him warm.

He felt at peace, laying there next to the alpha. It was a feeling he hadn't had in a long time. His old pack was... intense, and it had been a long time since he had actually had any contact like this.

As he watched the alpha sleep, Yunho leaned over and started licking him, hoping it would keep him at ease and also wanting to clean the blood off him now that his fur was wet.

The alpha shifted, moving his head closer, and Yunho felt what seemed like a small rumble come from the alpha's chest.

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