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Hongjoong ran his hands through his hair as he went over all the paperwork for the house. He was starting to get worried about money. They were still in a good place, but with two babies on the way, the expenses were going to start going up.

He didn't look up when someone knocked on the door, only because he knew who it was. Yeosang's honey scent washed over him and he immediately felt relaxed.

"What's the matter?" His beta asked, coming to him and forcing him away from his desk so he could sit in his lap and straddle him.

Hongjoong smiled and held him close. "I'm just trying to figure a few things out love."

Yeosang gave him a worried look before leaning forward and nuzzling the mark on his alpha's neck. "What things?"

"It's not that important."

"It's always important to me. You can't handle all this alone, and I can feel you stress in the other room." The younger smirked and rubbed their cheeks together.

"Ok you win." Hongjoong couldn't help but smile as he rubbed his beta's sides. "I'm just trying to plan for the future. Money wise."

Yeosang sat back and worry creased his forehead.

"It's nothing to be overly concerned about right now, but at some point we are going to run out of money. We just need to figure out how to get more... I don't know that I feel comfortable with any of us getting jobs."

"Well it's just settlements around us, so we wouldn't be interacting with humans all the time."

"True. But we've been separated enough. I don't know that I could handle anyone having to be away for chunks of the day." Hongjoong said honestly, pursing his lips.

Yeosang chuckled and kissed him. Hongjoong could feel his teasing nature coming out through the kiss and gave a little whine before wrapping his arms tightly around his beta and burying his face in his neck.

"So what do you think we should do?" The younger asked, patting Hongjoong's back nonchalantly, making him whine again.

"I don't know." He mumbled.

They sat in silence for a few minutes, just listening to each other's breaths. Then Yeosang straightened up a little. "Oh! I have an idea."

Hongjoong didn't move from his position, still slightly embarrassed, but he did ask, "What?"

"What if we use our number one tool? Our wolves. We could hunt and sell the meat and furs, as long as those aren't too damaged of course, to the settlements? And if we have enough, we could even drive the distance to human cities and sell them at their markets. Everyone needs fresh meat."

Finally Hongjoong sat back and beamed up at his mate. "You're a genius. That will be perfect! We can dry out the meat too for the longer trips. Yes!" He connected their lips several times, then proceeded to kiss every inch of his face that he could reach.

Yeosang let out a low chuckle and took the kisses happily, purring at the contact. He returned the affection by running his hands through Hongjoong's hair and playing with the short hairs at the back of his neck.

Hongjoong slipped his hands under Yeosang's shirt, wanting to feel that skin contact even though they couldn't get away with doing anything right now. The pack had agreed to try and keep things like that to when at least most everyone was out of the house.

His wolf stirred, wanting more, but he pushed it aside and settled for their soft kisses and light touches.

It was still perfect.

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