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It was almost weird for the pack to walk back into their house. The memories of San's family attacking them came back immediately, causing them to all just stand in the front entrance and stare at the living room.

Surprisingly, Wooyoung was the first one to move. He took Seonghwa's hand and pulled him down the hallway to where he and Mingi had been working on their nursery. Both omegas smiled when they saw it remained untouched, besides the layer of dust that had gathered.

Mingi was there too, hugging his mate from behind and resting his head on the other's shoulder.

Wooyoung slipped out then to give them some time.

That simple act had broken the spell for everyone else and, even though they were tired from the trip, everyone started working to clean up the house.

It was almost therapeutic, as if they were cleaning the memories along with the dust.

Yeosang cleaned out the fridge, making sure to do it while Seonghwa was in the nursery. Everything had spoiled, so he made a list for grocery shopping too.

Hongjoong stepped into the office and started making phone calls. Most of their bills had been set up for automatic withdrawals, but there were a few he needed to call and get taken care of. He also called a security company and asked if they could come install a home security system at their house.

In an unspoken agreement, San moved his and Wooyoung's things to a different room in the house. Their room was the one that their betas and omegas had been kept in and he had felt Wooyoung's tension whenever he walked by the room.

As they started running out of things to do, they all started to gather in the living room again.

Yunho broke the silence, "How's up for a hunt?" He said with a wide smile.

Mingi and Hongjoong immediately nodded, standing up.

"I'll run into town to get food and supplies. Seonghwa do you want to go with me?" Yeosang asked, heading down the hall to get the family checkbook.

"Sure!" The omega said, holding out a hand for Mingi to take and pull him off the couch.

"We can go too." San said as he and Wooyoung stood together.

All the tension was gone in the room as the group split in half to get things ready for their first night home.





Seonghwa hummed to himself as he worked or rearranging the nursery. Things just didn't seem right in there and he was determined to fix it.

The crib had moved to three times before he realized it was back in the same location. Sighing, he sat in the rocking chair and rubbed his stomach. "Well baby, that didn't end up working, did it?"

He closed his eyes and let his head rest on the back of the chair.

They had been home for a week now and it was amazing how easily things had fallen back into place. He and Yeosang had taken up their roles in the kitchen and enjoyed being able to cook again. The alphas and Yunho took turns doing an hourly patrol. They would just take a lap around their territory and come back.

There was no sign of any other wolf anywhere.

A soft knock came at the door and Mingi poked his head in. "There you are." He said, as if he didn't know. Seonghwa just rolled his eyes, but gave him a soft smile. "What are you doing?" The alpha asked as he walked over to him.

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