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"Are they here yet?"

"Yes Sir, they are walking up now."

The large doors opened to the fortress.

"Forgive us, we were out tracking down a group of stray betas when we got your message." A group of four alphas kneeled before the throne. "We got here as quickly as we could."

"It is ok. I understand, but I have a new mission for you. My son," The alpha growled, "Has escaped and I need him back here. Along with his... his pack." He spat the last word out.

"Give us the details and we will see it done." The leader said while the other three kept their heads bowed.

"There are eight of them total, including my son. I want them all brought back alive. I don't care how," he said with a smirk. "But I want them all alive. The little omega is worthless, so he can be your reward once they are brought back here."

"But Sir, aren't we needing breeders?"

"The piece of shit can't have pups."

The group of four exchanged glances and the two younger ones grinned. "Where do we start looking?" The leader asked.

"If they are smart, they will head to the edge of the pack boundary in the opposite direction of here. I'm sure they think they've outsmarted me. Fools. Find them! And stop by to see Percival on your way out. He has made some new toys for us."

The quartet bowed and hurried out of the room.





"We need to look at organizing another hunt soon." Lizbeth sighed as she looked through the food storage for Luna Point. While they didn't technically have a leader, they did look up to her for guidance.

The beta running the pub nodded. "I'll get some people together and we will see what we can do."

"Thank you." The alpha bowed her head and started to make her way back home. She rubbed her forehead and groaned. A headache had plagued her constantly since the pack of eight had left a few weeks ago.

But it was partially her fault. She couldn't stop thinking about them and trying to get a reading on their future. They had left an impression on her. There was something about them that told her they could be the key to everything. If there really was a war that had happened, it was the catalyst that forced them all together.

That meant something to those who knew how to read the signs.

She was a strong believer in fate. And they reeked of it.

Mingi's father the head alpha of the threatening pack. The one who tore the hierarchy of packs apart north of them.

Hongjoong, a powerful leader with a kind heart. He had a wise mind and was the perfect one to keep the group together.

Yeosang, his gentle soulmate and able to keep his alpha calm in trying times.

Seonghwa, a hot headed omega who would give Mingi a run for his money and keep him in check. Lizbeth smiled at how protective he had been over Wooyoung too.

Wooyoung... Lizbeth slowed her steps as she thought about him. She understood his pain. When she found out she couldn't have kids it tore her apart and she sank into a deep depression. Then she wasted her life looking for a cure that someone from the Primera pack had told her about a long time ago... Hundreds of years ago...

But she could also sense something about him... Something... powerful. No ordinary alpha could survive losing their mating bond twice and survive. Normally when a mate died unexpectedly or an alpha wasn't there during an omega's heat, it killed them.

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