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Hey! Slow down! Jongho shouted through the bond as he watched his pack run through the trees. The two were so happy to be reunited, they had a hard time containing their energy.

Right now, Yunho was bounding after Wooyoung, yapping loudly as they chased each other in circles.

The tiny omega seemed to be have healed up nicely after his mad run through the forest. There were still a couple times that he winced if he twisted his body the right way, but other than that he seemed fine.

Yunho had turned into a protective mother, always fussing over him and making sure he had enough to eat.

Jongho still felt like he hadn't gotten the whole story of what happened in their pack, but he knew that would come with time. For now, he was happy for them that they were together.

His beta came trotting back over to him and licked the side of his face in an apology. Wooyoung was close behind, his ears folded back and his head lowered. Jongho could feel his worry.

I'm not mad. I just don't want you to get too far away. Not with how dangerous things are now. The alpha said, walking over to Wooyoung and nuzzling the side of his face.

The omega nuzzled him back and stayed close to his side as they continued walking through the trees. They had run out of food. Now that there were three of them, Jongho felt a little better about going out to hunt, but he feared they couldn't stay in their little cave for long. At least, not without making another trip into town to get more supplies.

Yunho whined from the other side of Wooyoung.

Jongho just huffed and kept going. He knew they would have to talk about it later, but for now, his hungry stomach drove him forward.

They walked awhile longer before Yunho stopped and looked to their right. There. Through the trees.

He and Jongho hunched down and started to creep forward. Wooyoung sat and waited. He had never been hunting before, so Jongho told him to just sit and observe.

The alpha circled to the right, while Yunho went to the left. They kept their movements slow and precise. The small herd of deer grazed peacefully, not knowing that they were being targeted.

The one at the back with the twisted antler. That one will last us awhile. Yunho said.

I'll follow your lead.

They waited, observing for several minutes. Then Yunho bolted. For being a larger wolf, he was still quick on his feet. He drove a wedge between their target and the rest of the herd while Jongho went straight for the buck. He sprang off the ground and locked his jaws on its neck.

The buck but up a good fight though. It planted its feet in the ground and swung around, trying to throw Jongho off. He snarled and tried to claw at its chest.

Yunho came up and snapped at its legs, knocking it off balance. That was all that was needed. Jongho placed a paw on the buck's neck, then twisted his head sharply, snapping the neck bones.

He shifted and dressed before lifting the deer over his shoulders. Yunho stayed by his side and soon Wooyoung came bounding up to them. He pounced on the beta and they wrestled for a few minutes.

That was amazing! I can't wait until I can learn too. He praised, glancing up at Jongho.

Keep watching and you will pick it up quickly. Yunho nipped at his ear then ran off, spraying dirt behind him as he gripped the ground.

Wooyoung ran after him, but his short lets didn't stand a chance.

Jongho laughed as his beta ran circles around the omega. He shifted the deer as he kept walking and hummed to himself.

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