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Seonghwa begrudgingly followed after Mingi, huffing every chance he would get to let the other know he was unhappy.

They had been traveling for several days in wolf form looking for a new territory for the alpha to claim.

He had tried getting away a couple times, but Mingi was easily able to chase him down and would usually pin him to the ground for a long time while yelling at him.

Shut up. Mingi said as Seonghwa sighed again.

Seonghwa glared at the alpha as he wove through the trees.

You may not like this, but you are my omega now. I gave you a pack. You should be grateful.

At that, Seonghwa growled and sat down. You didn't give me anything. You forced me into this!

Mingi spun around. Don't disrespect your alpha!

The omega looked at the ground at the force of his alpha's voice. The bond that had opened between them when Mingi claimed him made it a lot harder for him to resist the other's power.

Now you will quit complaining and follow me. I am just trying to protect you. There are other alpha's who would treat you worse than I have. Mingi seemed to grow in size as he towered over the omega now whimpering at his feet.

His huffed, then shifted. "Shift."

Seonghwa followed his command and kept his head low as the two of them crouched naked in the undergrowth.

Mingi reached forward and cupped the omega's chin, forcing him to look up. "You're mine now, precious. You need to learn to accept that. When you do, I promise I will protect you. But you are just making this harder on yourself by resisting me." He growled, never looking away from Seonghwa's eyes. "Got it?"

"Yes, alpha." Seonghwa said, clenching his jaw.

Mingi sighed heavily and ran his hands through his hair. "Let's rest here for the night. I'll find us something to eat while you build a fire."

Seonghwa watched as his alpha shifted again and vanished into the trees. He relaxed once he was alone and worked on building the fire after getting dressed.

His father had always told him to never talk back or fight against an alpha, but being raised with alphas had trained him to stand up for himself. It was all very confusing to him if he was being honest. His wolf knew the responsibilities of being an omega, but his stupid head liked to fight against it.

And now he had found an alpha that was stronger than even his father was. There was no way he was going to be able to keep up the fight for long.

He reached and ran his fingers across the mark on his neck signaling that he had been claimed. It sent a chill down his spine as his wolf purred at the contact. He could also sense that Mingi knew he was touching the mark so he quickly stopped.

The orange flames burst into life and illuminated their small part of the forest. Seonghwa cried out and backed away as a pair of red eyes looked back at him.

Mingi! He cried out through their bond. He sensed the alpha turning around.

The wolf stepped forward, revealing his grey coat with black ears and legs. He was an alpha, Seonghwa could sense that much as his wolf told him to flee.

But the alpha surprised him by sitting there and tilting his head. He showed no sign of wanting to attack or showing any ill will.

After a few moments, Mingi jumped out of the trees in front of Seonghwa and snarled at the other alpha. His hackles stood on end as he hunched his shoulders and lowered his head. Seonghwa felt his wolf cowering at his own alpha, scared of the sound he made.

The visitor just tilted his head the other way and kept his ears perked forward. Then he turned and disappeared for a second before returning with a deer carcass.

He set it down near the fire, bowed his head in respect, and then shifted.

A slim, blonde haired boy knelt before them. He kept his head bowed, waiting for Mingi to do something.

The black wolf turned his head to make eye contact with Seonghwa before he too shifted. "What do you want?" He asked sharply, making sure to stay in front the omega.

"I wish to share your fire in exchange for sharing my kill." The alpha raised his head but kept kneeling.

"Where is your pack?" Seonghwa asked, peaking around Mingi's shoulder.

"I don't have one." The alpha said, shrugging his shoulders. "I prefer to travel alone, but I enjoy visiting with others from time to time." He looked at Mingi. "I promise I won't hurt your omega. I just want a warm meal."

Mingi bristled when he mentioned Seonghwa and studied the alpha for a moment. Seonghwa reached up and touched the back of his bare shoulder, causing Mingi to turn and look at him.

I think he's ok. When he first came he just sat there, like you saw when you got here.

One wrong move and he's dead. Mingi growled.

"What is your name?" Seonghwa asked, moving to start skinning the deer when the two alpha's dressed.


"It's nice to meet you. I'm Seonghwa and this is my alpha, Mingi." He blushed when he heard Mingi chuckle at his words.

San moved to help him clean the deer and they were able to cut it up and start roasting it over the fire.

Once it was on, Mingi grabbed Seonghwa and pulled him into his lap. Seonghwa blushed and had to avoid looking at San as his alpha rubbed his nose on the mark he left. Mingi's powerful mint scent filled the air.

Out of the corner of his eye he saw San fidget uncomfortably.

Mingi, stop it.


Seonghwa let out a small whimper while they sat there waiting for the meet to cook.

The three of them ate in silence. Mingi kept Seonghwa in his lap the entire time. It made him feel so uncomfortable as he wasn't used to getting this kind of attention.

San rose once he was finished and brushed his hands together. "Thank you." He bowed low to the couple.

"Good luck on your travels." Seonghwa said, trying to be polite when Mingi only nodded to the alpha.

"You too." San gave them a soft smile then walked into the trees.

When they sensed the alpha was gone, Mingi twisted so that he had Seonghwa pinned to the ground. He was smirked.

"What?" Seonghwa snapped, trying to push the alpha off him. Mingi grabbed his wrists and pinned his arms above his head.

"My alpha, eh?" He chuckled.

Seonghwa gritted his teeth and glared at the other. "Yeah, so?"

Mingi started to nuzzle Seonghwa's mark again. The omega closed his eyes and let out a soft moan at the feeling as his wolf sprang to life within him.

Then the alpha started kissing his neck and jaw. He kept him pinned to the ground so he couldn't fight, but Seonghwa felt his will collapsing with every kiss as his wolf took over, begging for his alpha's attention.

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