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Seonghwa sighed as he rubbed his hand over his stomach. "It's ok. It's ok my baby. Daddy is going to come find us. He won't give up." He spoke softly as he sat down in a rocking chair that had been provided.

The room was actually pretty comfortable. Alistar had meant it when he said that he would take care of Seonghwa. The bed was large and comfortable, he had the rocking chair and other furniture to use, a radio to listen to music, and a large bathroom with an oversized tub that he could soak in if he wanted to.

Under normal circumstances, this room would have been perfect.

But he was reminded that this was not normal when he heard a key clicking in the lock on his door. He turned to watch as an older beta female walked in pushing a machine. Two alphas followed her, and then Alistar stepping last.

Seonghwa tensed when he saw the head alpha, but his eyes flashed to the machine.

"Hello dear." The female said, giving him a kind smile. "My name is Juno. I'm here to check on the baby." She walked over to the bed and motioned for him to come over.

He obeyed, his eyes flashing to where the alphas stood at the door and where Alistar stood off to the side watching everything.

"Sit on the bed and lay back for me." Juno turned to get the machine prepped as Seonghwa got situated. "Now I'm going to pull up your shirt and do a scan, and we will be able to see it on this screen here, ok?"

Seonghwa eyed everything nervously, but nodded.

Juno smiled and pushed his shirt up before squirting cold liquid on his stomach. He winced and she let out a little chuckle. "Sorry. Try to relax for me dear." She said as she placed a smaller device to his stomach and started to move it back and forth.

It took a few minutes, but eventually she smiled and pointed at the screen. "There's your baby."

Seonghwa gasped and covered his mouth as it felt like his heart stopped. Right there, on the screen, was his baby. He couldn't believe it. He could see the baby moving, one arm making it look like it was waving at him.

He sobbed and smiled at Juno. "That's..."

"Yes, that's your baby." She turned back to the screen. "It's a little too soon to determine the gender, if that's something you would like to know..."

Seonghwa said no at the same time Alistar said yes.

He glared at the alpha, who tilted his chin back in response. "I don't want to know. Not without Mingi."

"You don't get to make that decision. I have planning I need to do, and that involves knowing the gender." Alistar snarled.

"And it is MY baby!" Seonghwa tried to sit up but Juno pushed him back down.

"Calm down." She said, asserting some of her dominance over him. Seonghwa glanced at her and saw there was a warning in her eyes. "Too much excitement is bad for the baby."

He sighed and ground his teeth together, but nodded.

"The baby looks healthy though?" Alistar asked, stepping closer.

"Yes, Sir." Juno bowed to him.

The alpha nodded. "Keep up the good work." He said to both Seonghwa and Juno before leaving the room.

Seonghwa glared at the door for a moment before turning back to look at the screen. It was at that moment that the tears came. He placed his hands on either side of his stomach as he stared at his baby.

He wished Mingi was here to share this with him.

"Would you like to hear the heartbeat?" Juno asked softly.

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