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Luna Point was a small town that had one main street running down the middle and old fashioned wood buildings. It was a place out of time.

Mingi looked around nervously as people would stop and stare at their cars as they drove by. The idea of a settlement made him nervous. There was no saying who they would run into here.

He reached over and took Seonghwa's hand as he continued to stare out the window. His omega unbuckled and slide over to kiss him on the cheek. "We are going to be fine. You need to relax." He said.

"Yeah, just try and stay calm Mingi." Hongjoong added, glancing at him in the rearview mirror. "We are in the middle of nowhere, I think we are ok."

"Sorry. I just haven't heard the best things about settlements. That's all." He said, staring down at his hands.

He hated how paranoid he was about things now. He felt like he was letting everyone down. No, he felt like he had betrayed them. Especially Wooyoung. If anything happened to the little omega because of him...

Everyone said he needed to stop beating himself up, but... Yeosang and Hongjoong had been through so much pain because of him. And Seonghwa was so close to leaving him. Not to mention everything the other four went through, all because of the Alpha Pack.

Led by his sadistic father.

Who would never stop looking for him... His father may not believe in pack values, but he did believe in pure blood lines. And since Mingi was his only son, for now, he would be determined to get some pups from him. The thought terrified him... He would never let his father touch his pups.

After a few minutes, they came across a motel situated on the far side of town. They pulled up to it and Hongjoong went in with Yeosang to rent two rooms for the night.

As they stood waiting, and alpha female came walking over to them. "Well it's obvious you've never been here before." She said, eyeing everyone. "It's not very often we get travelers through here. What brings you to town?"

"Just passing through." Jongho said, stepping out in front of the others.

She bristled and her lip curled, rising to the challenge. "A pack? There are no packs here!"

"Which is why we are passing through. We just want a place to sleep tonight, we didn't come here to cause trouble." Jongho held up his hands.

Her eyes flashed red but when both Mingi and San stepped forward, she lifted her chin up and stepped back. "You better not." She spat at their feet and walked away.

Seonghwa peeked around Mingi's shoulder, then looked up at him. "What on earth was that about?"

"No idea." He said, bringing the omega into his arms and breathing in his soothing lemon scent. Maybe it was the confrontation with the alpha, but it seemed to be a little stronger today...

"The rooms are ready." Hongjoong called, waving them over. "Let's get our bags inside and then we can look at getting something to eat."

They unloaded the cars, splitting the pack in half like normal, before they cautiously walked back into the heart of town. There was one small pub that smelled like it had good food so they decided to go there.

Hongjoong led them to a large table in the back. It was a dark place that smelled of booze and stale cigarette smoke.

"I don't like it here." Yeosang said, leaning into his alpha.

"I know love, I don't either." Hongjoong replied, eyeing the door nervously.

Yunho placed a hand on the table to draw their attention. "Let's just try to relax and enjoy. It's been a few days since we've sat down for a meal." He flashed a bright smile and most of the pack did seem to visibly relax.

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