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He was lost in the bloodlust.

All he wanted was more.

Every wolf he came across was a new target for him. And damn it felt good to feel his teeth sinking into flesh.

He heard fighting going on outside and knew there would be plenty of things he could kill out there.

He needed it.

Running down the stairs, he was just about to run out the front entrance when he scented something familiar.

Turning, he saw a wolf with a coat much like his own pinning an orange and white wolf to the floor. His nostrils flared as he scented the air. All he could smell was blood.

But there was something about the little wolf and tugged at him.

He snarled and flew forward, tackling the alpha. They rolled across the floor but sprang up immediately.

The alpha snarled at him, his upper lip curling to show his blood stained teeth. Was it from the other wolf? The thought of that really pissed him off and he let out a growl that was so loud, it could be considered a roar.

The other flinched at his dominance and even looked away from him. This allowed him to fly forward and sink his teeth into the alpha's neck. He growled and started twisting his head back and forth viciously. He could feel the flesh ripping in his grasp.

Then he was slammed by another wolf and he yelped in response, releasing the alpha in his mouth.

He turned to see a red wolf protecting the soot one.

"San!" A voice came from his left. He glanced to see a boy with brown hair and kind face staring at him while supporting a pregnant omega boy.

He blinked several times.



Was that... His name?

He shook his head and backed away.

Images flashed through his mind, but they were fuzzy. Images of him... In a human body.

Lavender slammed his senses and he howled as his two selves fought to fall in sync again.

His eyes flew to where the orange and white omega was laying on the floor. To where a giant black alpha was running at him. To where a silver wolf jumped in front of the omega and right into the alpha's jaws.

The distraction was enough to give the two alphas in front of him a chance to attack.

No, they weren't just two alphas.

They were Jasper and Caius. He understood now. The bloodlust threatened to come back as he ran to meet them.

San ducked under Jasper and went for his twin's throat again. He missed just barely but recovered in time to lock his jaw onto his front leg. Caius cried out as he fell to the floor again.

Jasper came up behind him and dug his claws into San's back leg. He released Caius to whirl around and attack the red wolf. But Caius then went for his back legs.

He was having a hard time focusing enough to try and fend off two attackers.

It was too much.

They were too strong.





Time seemed to stop for Wooyoung as he saw Alistar close his jaw around Lizbeth's throat. She gave him one final nod before her head was severed from her body.

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