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San and Wooyoung waited in front of the store, staring at the place where Mingi and Seonghwa had run into the trees. It wasn't like the eldest to run away like that, and while they wanted to go over him, they both knew Mingi needed a chance to talk to him.

"Do you think he's ok?" Wooyoung asked, glancing up at San.

The alpha smiled at him and kissed his forehead. "I don't think any of us can really saw we are ok right now, but I'm sure he will be." He turned when the front door opened and ground his teeth together as Lizbeth walked out.

He didn't fully trust her. Especially not after what she had said to Wooyoung about a cure. It was cruel of her to give him potentially false hope like that. Wooyoung was already perfect. It didn't matter that he couldn't have pups.

"I didn't mean to upset your friend. I am sorry." She said. Her voice sounded sincere at least and she was fiddling with her fingers. "I didn't realize that my reading was going to affect all of you so much." Her eyes fell to the omega's before she looked at the ground.

"We've been through a lot." San said, pulling his omega closer to him. "Especially recently. So tensions are a little high right now."

"I didn't know..." Lizbeth bit her lip. "But..." She looked at Wooyoung again. "I'd like to hear about it, if you would be willing to tell me?"

"Why?" San asked before Wooyoung could say anything.

"Because, I... I sense that something is going to happen that involves your pack. And I'd like to try and help, or at least guide you, if I can." She lifted her head up, resuming her alpha stature, as she turned to San.

He bristled under the challenge and his lip curled a little.

"Ok." Wooyoung said.

San looked at him. What?

I can't explain it, Sannie, but... I feel connected to her somehow.

Is it just because of what she said about you two being the same? He wolf churned as he forced his anger down.

No. I think it's the pack thing... Some bond between the two packs. I'm pretty sure Yunho would say the same thing if he were here. Wooyoung glanced up at him and gave him a small smile.

San sighed and kissed his forehead again, squeezing the back of his head with his hand. He could feel the connection Wooyoung was talking about through their bond, he just didn't want to admit it.

When they turned back to Lizbeth, she was smiling softly. They followed her back into the pub they had met her at and San sent out a message through the link letting the others know what was going on.

Be careful. We will stop by in a bit. Hongjoong said. He was the only one to respond.

Lizbeth ordered them a few different appetizers for them to pick at while the talked. She waited for them to get settled before she turned to Wooyoung. "I got a little bit of what your story is, most of it was guessing based on my knowledge of Primera, but I'd like for you to tell me." Her voice was soft and gentle, but it still made San bristle at the fact that she seemed to only have eyes for his omega.

Wooyoung took San's hand and squeezed it. He stared at his mate, feeling his features soften as Wooyoung stared at Lizbeth with a determined face and his wolf swelled with pride.

"As I'm sure you know, I was raised with the idea that omegas were worshipped because they could carry on the bloodline for the pack. School always went over how we were the oldest pack and that was something to be proud of. Now that I think about it, it was pretty messed up..." Wooyoung gave a sad smile and looked down at the table. "We were trained, prepped, and taught that all we were good for was bringing pups into the world."

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