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Seonghwa had been separated from his family as soon as the war began. Because he was an omega, they forced him to stay behind in their home. He had tried to refuse, of course, but his father demanded it. And as head alpha, Seonghwa couldn't refuse him.

He felt every death... His family wasn't the strongest fighters, but they had been known for their wisdom, so his father and siblings had been called to advise the other head alphas.

When he felt his first brother die, he fought against his father's command and left the house. He needed to be there for his family. So what he was an omega? He had been raised with alphas. He was strong. He wouldn't let his DNA make the decision for him.

The second death made him fight even harder to make it to the battle field.

As each of his siblings fell, Seonghwa had to work to fight back the tears. Father! I'm coming! He called through the mental link.

No, Seonghwa. Stay away. Survi-

Seonghwa tripped over his own feet as he felt any pack bond leave him. He whimpered against the ground, mourning his family. He should have been there to fight with them.

Now he didn't know what to do. He had no pack and no family.

He heard someone whining nearby and forced himself up to go investigate. It was a smaller omega who must have been taken there with her pack. Seonghwa slowly walked over to her and nuzzled the side of her head.

She looked up at him and her whole body trembled. Without the pack link they couldn't communicate, so Seonghwa pushed gently against her shoulder. She stood and followed after him as he went to look for any other survivors.

They came across another omega and a young beta who looked like he'd seen a ghost. All three of them clung to Seonghwa as he led them forward.

Then he sensed an alpha. He lowered his head and snarled as a scraggly male came toward them. The other growled, trying to assert dominance. It worked on the others, but not on Seonghwa. It would take a much stronger alpha to control him.

Suddenly he too was cowering on the ground. Seonghwa lifted his eyes to see a pure black wolf standing on top of a hill, staring directly at him.

The new alpha was very powerful. He even made the other alpha submit to him. A chill ran down Seonghwa's spine as the alpha kept looking at him.

He snarled, trying to warn the alpha not to mess with him, but the wolf just asserted his power again and then surprised Seonghwa by driving him away from the others.

Seonghwa didn't want to leave them though. They needed him. But the alpha wasn't giving him a choice. He had a bad feeling about this.

After being driven forward for hours, the alpha finally stopped and shifted. He was tall and looked very intimidating. His small eyes looked down at Seonghwa as he sneered.

"Shift." He commanded.

Seonghwa had no control over his body as his wolf fell away and he stood with the alpha in the middle of the woods, both unclothed, staring each other down.

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