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Seonghwa let out a small sigh as he snuggled deeper into his pillow. It felt so good to be sleeping against something so soft and warm again. He missed beds.

He shifted again, trying to fall deeper into the warmth, loving that it seemed to wrap around him too.

"Ah!" He sat up in bed and looked down at a still sleeping Mingi. Seonghwa quickly shuffled out of bed and backed away from the alpha, semi disgusted that he had just enjoyed cuddling with him.

He was used to Mingi holding him at night, but he was always facing the other way...

Shivering slightly, he grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around himself before stepping out of the bed room and creeping to the kitchen. He did his best to stay quiet so he didn't wake their hosts. But it was all for naught.

Yeosang and Hongjoong were already up. The beta was sitting on one of the counter tops and Hongjoong had his arms placed on the counter on either side of him, leaning in for a kiss.

Seonghwa bit his lip and cleared his throat.

They both turned to look at him and smiled. Yeosang dropped off the counter. "Good morning! How are you feeling?

"Well rested, thank you." Seonghwa bowed slightly, trying to show some respect.

"Good." Yeosang came over and took his hand. "Your alpha is still sleeping?"

Seonghwa hummed and pursed his lips. "I can go wake him if you'd like. I'd hate to intrude on you hospitality any longer."

"Don't be silly!" Hongjoong said. "You're welcome to stay as long as you want to."

"Please." Yeosang added, looking hopeful.

Seonghwa smiled at the couple. If he was being honest, he did want to stay. It was a nice house and he liked the pair. They emitted so many good feelings, Seonghwa felt like they could all really get along if they stayed.

"I'll make some breakfast. Maybe that will wake Mingi up." Yeosang chuckled and moved to the stove, dropping some bacon on an already hot pan.

Seonghwa's mouth started to water as the delicious fragrance washed over him. It had been so long, he couldn't remember the last time he had bacon, let alone a home cooked meal. "Thank you." He said quietly.

Hongjoong came to sit next to him. "You both looked pretty rough when you got here. What have you been through?" He looked genuinely concerned as he studied Seonghwa's face.

The older bit his lip and looked down. He didn't know how much he should really say.

"You have a strong presence for an omega. Was your pack mostly alphas?"

"Yes. My entire family was, except for my mom, just she died giving birth to me. So I was an omega raised as an alpha. My father, and eight older siblings." Seonghwa paused. "But they are all gone now. My family, even though they were all alphas, we weren't fighters. They were called in as advisors though. For the war."

Hongjoong straightened in his seat. "Seonghwa... What's your full name?"

"Park Seonghwa." He looked at the alpha, who looked like he was in physical pain.

Yeosang was immediately at his alpha's side, wrapping his arms around him and nuzzling his neck. Hongjoong seemed to relax for a second, but he looked back at Seonghwa.

"I'm... I'm so sorry. I was put in charge of protecting your father, but... There were just too many of the others... He was a good man." Hongjoong looked down at his shaking hands.

Seonghwa's heart hurt, but he still found himself reaching forward the grab the alpha's hands. "It wasn't your fault. It sounds like everyone lost loved ones."

Yeosang sniffed and hid behind one of his hands. "Our pack is gone too... All of them."

Then the three of them were hugging and kneeling on the floor as tears were shed in sorrow and in understanding.

It was at this moment that Seonghwa really knew he wanted to stay here with these too. They had such kind hearts and had been through so much, just like him.

What's going on? Mingi asked him, his voice quiet and cautious.

Can we stay here?

What? The alpha sounded confused.

I want to stay here, Mingi. They have lost their pack too, and they have been so kind to us. Can we stay? Please?

He didn't get an answer. Instead, he heard the alpha's large, bare feet padding against the hardwood floors.

Seonghwa looked up to see him leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. He felt Hongjoong tense slightly, but attributed it to alpha instincts.

He stood and slowly walked over to the alpha who had claimed him, feeling the need to get his approval. Mingi studied him, then reached up to run his thumb over the mark he left. It sent shivers down Seonghwa's spine as he felt his wolf purr with pleasure.

"Are you sure this is what you want?" He asked softly.

"Yes. We would be safe here. Especially because we'd have others." Seonghwa placed a hand on Mingi's chest. "I like them." He added softly. "Hongjoong knew my family."

Mingi sighed and kissed Seonghwa's forehead. "Ok."

At that, a happy cry came from Yeosang and Seonghwa turned to see the beta running at him. Happiness coursed through his body as well and when Yeosang collided with him, he jumped up and wrapped his legs around the omega's waist. Seonghwa held onto him and spun in a circle.

It had been a long time since he had been this happy.

Hongjoong gripped his stomach as he laughed at his beta. Even Mingi let out a small chuckle.

"S-Sorry." Yeosang said, turning bright red and releasing his grip on Seonghwa to stand again.

The omega just chuckled and slipped his hand down to hold the beta's, causing him to smile brightly.

But then, "Oh! The bacon!" He cried out and ran over to the stove, flipping the bacon furiously. Everyone laughed again.

When breakfast was ready, they sat around the table and ate in peace. Both Seonghwa and Mingi ate like they would never eat again. Yeosang ended up making seconds and thirds for them.

Then, Hongjoong sat up straight and looked at Mingi. "So."

"So." The taller replied.

Seonghwa and Yeosang exchanged glances.

Mingi sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. "It's your house. If we are going to be a pack, you're head alpha. I won't fight you there. You've shown us a great kindness by taking us in. I can tell you must have been pretty high up in your last pack, too."

Hongjoong's eyes widening in surprise. So did Seonghwa's. He had honestly been expecting a fight for dominance. But Mingi had backed down so easily, it made the omega think maybe he wasn't a tough as he let on.

The two alpha's stood and approached each other. While Mingi towered over Hongjoong physically, Hongjoong's presence was obviously stronger. They locked eyes, then both extended their right hands, gripping each other's forearms.

Then all four of them were slammed with the sensation of the pack bond forming over all of them.

Hongjoong's and Mingi's eyes flashed red, Yeosang's flashed a deep sapphire blue, and Seonghwa felt his wolf stir and knew his eyes flashed gold.

He felt like he could cry as he looked at his new pack. His new family.

They all exchanged glances as they all felt the same thing for their future.


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