I can't believe

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Roli & SIddhant turn finally came and they were called to come forward in the court.

Roli went to one side while Siddhant went to the other side.

Judge was looking at both of them and go through their case details.

Judge: You both wish to have mutual consent divorce.

Roli: Yes.  

Siddhant looking into her eyes with a longing.

Judge: What about you Mr. Siddhant?

Siddhant: If that is what my wife wish for.  I am ready for that.

Roli turned her face as if not interested to hear these dialogues.

Judge: The intention of the family court is never to separate the couples and we are always interested to help them in getting the misunderstanding or differences sorted.  Do you both wish to take some time to reconcile your decision.

Roli: No.  There is nothing to reconcile in this anymore.

Siddhant was standing speechless.

Judge: Mr. Siddhant, what about your decision?

SIddhant: Whatever my wife wish for.

Judge: Mrs.  ROli, on talking to you both it is clear that he is still having you as his wife whereas you seems to be firm in your decision.  Why cant you talk to him openly about any of your misunderstanding & try to get it clear?

Roli: No.  I got nothing to talk to him.  If he really thinks me as his wife all these days by heart, we might have not come here asking for divorce.  I am interested only in getting that.

After few minutes of discussions, finally judge finally gave what was asked by Roli.

Roli gave an angry look at him and turned against him and moved towards the door.

Siddhant went behind her.

Roli knowing he is coming behind her took fast steps..

Siddhant:  ROli.. ROli...

She did not gave any response.

Roli reached near her car and was about to get into her car.

SIddhant: ROli, you got what you wish for.  Are you not interested to at least talk to me for at least once as last time.

Sid asked while his heart was crying for her.

Roli: If I got something to talk to you, then we may not be here.  If i got anything to talk to you.  Then Yes.  Just stay away and never come again in my life.  Bye.

Roli get into the car and drive from there very fast.

Siddhant eyes were filled with tears.

Siddhant get on his bike and started riding towards his house with heavy heart...

Siddhant reached home.  The small one bedroom, hall & a kitchen. 

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