Gitesh wants you Roli

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The days were passing...

SIddhant was taking care of ROli knowing her each & every wish & wants.

It was rainy season...

Gitesh got wet before he get into the car while retuning from the school and he got cold & cough.

ROSID were tensed.

Siddhant took him to the doctor.

Doctor prescribed medicine to be taken for 3 days.

Siddhant feed him bread and gave tablet to Gitesh.

Siddhant was trying to make him sleep.  But due to cold & cough, Gitesh was unable to sleep well.

Siddhant was carrying him on his shoulders and was walking in the room to make him sleep so that he can breathe easily.

Still Gitesh was not feeling well.

Gitesh: Mom, i want to sleep in your lap..

Siddhant: Gitesh, Mom is not well.  So be with pappa.

Gitesh: Pappa, i will to go to mom.  Please...

Siddhant tried his best to convince him.  But got no success.

Roli: Siddhant, bring him near me

Siddhant: Roli, he is not well.  How can you handle him?

Roli: Dont worry Siddhant!  I will manage.

Siddhant made Gitesh to sit beside Roli.

ROli made him to sleep on her lap

Roli caresses her head and sing the song which Gitesh ask her to sing always.

Gitesh though unwell, slept in a while on her lap.

Siddhant gently put him in the pillow from Roli's lap.

Siddhant with a smile looked at ROli.

ROli: Siddhant why are you smiling like this.

Siddhant: I remembered you told me that day that Gitesh loves me more.  Now did you see who he prefer when he is not well.

Roli: That is because, i used to make him sleep on my lap when he is unwell in the past.

Siddhant: Whatever may be the reason the point is he only prefer you when he is really in need of someone hand to give him comfort.  Yes  He loves me too.  I agree.  But i am his father and he can take my guidance, he can play with me & whatever a father can do for him..  But i cant replace a mother that is you.  Do you understand now.

Roli: Siddhant what are you trying to say now.

Siddhant: I am trying to say to my lovely wife that you are having prominent position on Gitesh heart then me & no need for my Roli to feel in any future that Gitesh loves me more.  Ok.

Roli smiled

Roli: Ok.

Roli lean on his shoulders and hug him..

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