Shocking revelation to family

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ROli with Sid's family members reached Delhi.

ROli bring them to Sid's room.

Mataji: Roli, you know his room also. 

ROSID smiled looking at each other.

They were not knowing what to answer.

Roli: No Mataji.  Actually i know the address as he told once.  Knowing this area i bring you all here.

Sid was unable to control his laugh hearing this and tried his best to control it.

Roli down her face to hide her laugh.

Mataji: Siddhant & Roli.  You both are good pair to look at.  There is good matching between both of you.  We might have not able to select such girl matching to you.

Sid smiled.

ROSID took the elders blessings and ROli went from there waving bye to all and a smile to Sid leaving him eagerly wait for her.

That weekend Siddhant family went to Divedi house.

Jamanlal was wondering whose these people are.

With a query on his face made them to sit.

Roli who was knowing about their arrival that day got ready wearing the saree which was purchased & given by Sid on her birthday in which their marriage happend.

Jamanlal broke the silence which was prevailing for sometime.

Jamanlal: Sorry.  I cant recognize you all.

Mataji: There is no wonder in it as we are meeting for the first time.

Mataji introduced her family members to Jamanlal & Meena

Jamanlal: Ok.  But i wish to know for what you all have come.

Mataji: All for good only.  We have come here to talk about marriage of our grandson Siddhant.

Jamanlal looked at Siddhant.

Jamanlal: I cant get you,  Why you have come to my house to talk about your grandson marriage.

Mataji: Where else we will go to ask your daughter hands?

IN the meantime, Roli came down to hall and took blessings of the elders.

Mataji made her to sit next to her.

Jamanlal & Meena was shocked to see ROli in Saree which they never seen before. Also she herself came down and already she is knowing all of them.  They by now understood to some extent.

Jamanlal: Sorry.  I am not interested in this alliance.

All were shocked.

Mataji: Our interest is not important when they are already in love with each other.

Jamanlal: The youngsters will be like that only & it is duty of us to explain that is not good.  Instead i wonder how you all came here thinking i will accept this marriage.

Siddhant got angry while Roli expressed to control himself.

Mataji: I dont find any mistake in their choices.  Look at their pair and even if we go in search of such pair we may not get.  Both are good.  I guarantee about our grandson that he do not have any bad habits.  What else you want?  ANyway you will be getting your daughter to someone then why not to the one she loves.

Jamanlal: I cant agree with your argument.  I wish her to get married in some rich place and i wish her to enjoy a luxurious life than she is enjoying now.

Mataji: I agree.  We are not rich like you.  IN the meantime we are not very poor as you think.  We too have own house, farm land in our village.  As Siddhant wanted to do his studies in Delhi we sent him here.  Now he got good job too.  You can be sure that your daughter will be kept with all the happiness.

Jamanlal: How much he is earning?  YOu know how many are working in my company with salary more than what he is earning?

Mataji: Relationships should not be accounted through money.  Love is matter of heart.  

Jamanlal: I dont agree with all those.  It is final that i want my daughter to get married to the one i wish to.

Roli who was silent till now opened her mouth.

Roli: Pappa, which luxury life you are talking about?  Do you know i got more affection from this family in just few days of time than the affection i got from both of you all these years.  I dont want any luxury.  I want this family.  I want my Siddhant.

She said looking at him.

Jamanlal: Roli, you are young girl.  YOu dont know the miseries of life.  Money is required for life.

Roli: How much money pappa?  I dont want the money which will take away our happiness itself.  I hate such money.  I can run my family with what my Siddhant earn.

The argument was continuing and Jamanlal was not ready to hear anything.

Finally Roli got no other option other than telling the truth to all..

Roli: Pappa, you cant hold us from getting married.

Jamanlal: Why not?  How can you say that?  

Roli: Pappa.  First thing is i am major and legally i can take my own decision of marrying him. 

Jamanlal: I am least bothered about the legal rules.

Roli: Pappa.  But there is much more to bother in this.  I only said legal as first thing.  But one more is there.

Roli turned towards Sid's family.

Roli: Mataji, Pappa & Maaji.  Sorry, we dont wanted to hurt you all. But now got no other option to other than telling the truth about us though it give pain to you all too.  We are sorry.

Roli hold his hands and turned towards her parents.

Roli: Pappa, we are married...

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