It's our house

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Siddhant was sitting in the bed while ROli was on his shoulders.

Both hugging each other the whole night.

After all those discussions, Siddhant got nothing to talk more.

Both were sitting without talking anything..

Siddhant was praying to solve the misunderstanding soon and make the way to take his wife & child home.

Roli was praying to make what Siddhant telling as proving himself as true.

Roli & Siddhant moved apart when they saw movements on Gitesh.

Gitesh greeted 'Good Morning' to both.

They had breakfast.

Siddhant took Gitesh to play more.

When they were playing Siddhant got a phone call.

Siddhant told Gitesh to play and talked to someone in the phone.

ROli noticed Siddhant face turned bright.

Siddhant returned to ROli.

Siddhant: ROli lets go.  The time has come.

Roli: TIme has come for what.

Siddhant: Roli wont you do anything without question.  Just come now.

Siddhant went to Gitesh.

Siddhant: Gitesh darling!  Now we are going from here now.  Next week i will bring you again here to play.  Ok.  

Gitesh: Ok.

Gitesh jumped to Siddhant's arms.

They took their bags and entered into the car.

Siddhant face was bright as he got what he was expecting.

Roli was wondering what might have happened.

Siddhant was driving with deep thinking.

He was only answering to Gitesh when Gitesh asked him something.

ROli was not interested to ask question and disturb him.

ROli was coming quiet.

But she was sure something is there.

After a long drive...

Siddhant reached a big bunglow.

The watchman opened the gate while Siddhant entered into the house.

Siddhant parked the car and get down taking Gitesh on his arms.

Roli went behind them.

Roli was wondering seeing this big bunglow.

Gitesh: Uncle whose house is this.

Siddhant: Gitesh darling!  This is our house.

ROli was surprised.

She remembered him telling he got bunglow, car etc etc.  Now she realised this belongs to him.

Siddhant entered the house for the first time with his family.

He was feeling excited..

ROli was entering the house with mixed feeling.

Gitesh entered with excited feeling.

Siddhant took Gitesh to a room which was filled with toys, a play station and all items required for a child like Gitesh.

Siddhant dropped Gitesh in that room.

Siddhant: Gitesh, this is your room.

Gitesh: My room..

Siddhant: Yes.  This is your room. You stay here.  Myself & your mom will go out and come in few minutes.

Gitesh: Ok.  I will play with all these toys.

Siddhant called his servants.

Siddhant: I am going out.  Please take care of this child with care.  Give him if anything he ask for.  Call me for any requirements.  I will come quick.

Servants: Yes sir.

Roli was wondering what is happening..

Siddhant: ROli,, come with me..

Siddhant went out with ROli...

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