Please tell 'ok'

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Couple of days passed.  

Siddhant made his visit at Roli's room as regular one.

He takes Gitesh from there itself to park in his arms to play.

Gitesh & Siddhant plays in the garden for some time and after he returns, Siddhant makes him to sit on his lap and teaches him his lessons too..

Roli remembers Siddhant teaching her lessons and smiles.

Then ROli makes food for all the 3.

SIddhant himself feed to Gitesh and also to Roli when Gitesh do not notice.

He too takes food there itself and makes Gitesh sleep and put him on the bed.

Before leaving the house, comes to Roli and do some mischief with her and leaves...

One such day..

Siddhant was entering the house while ROli was trying to ask Gitesh what is bothering him.

Roli: Gitesh, tell me what happend?  Why are you sitting like this upset?

Gitesh: I will not tell you.  

Roli: Why Gitesh?  Wont you tell to your Mom?

Gitesh: No.  I will tell to uncle only.

Siddhant entered with a smile hearing this.

Siddhant: Gitesh, tell me.  What happend?

Gitesh jumped at him on hearing his voice.

Siddhant took him in his arms and looked at his face.

Roli: You have spoiled him a lot.  See he is not even ready to share anything with me.

Siddhant: WHy you feeling jealous or what?  

Roli: WHy i feel jealous?  Remember he is my son & I got more rights on him.

Siddhant: Oh!  he is your son.  Remember ROli.  If 'Y' is removed from 'your' i.e. you get the answer of your worrying why, you will declare yourself as 'our'

Roli gave angry look at him.

Siddhant: Tell me darling! what happend?

He asked looking at Gitesh.

Gitesh: Uncle you know my friend Vaibhav in the school is telling me he is going to get sister in few days.  He will be playing with her.  

Siddhant: Ok Vaibhav is going to get sister and play with her.  Now what is bothering my darling in this.

Gitesh: I dont have any sister.  I want a sister to play with...

Siddhant & Roli were shocked hearing this.

Siddhant: Oh!  That is your concern.  I do agree with you Gitesh.  You need a sister.

Gitesh: Vaibhav is telling he will get his sister next month.  When i will get mine.

Siddhant: I too wish you should have sister.  But where!!! your mother should tell 'Ok' for that.  

Siddhant looked at ROli with a mischief smile while Roli blushed and down her face in shyness.

Gitesh: Mom, I want a sister.  Please tell 'Ok'.  Please tell 'Ok'

ROli: Gitesh, what is this?  What are you asking?  How can you ask anything like that?

Roli showed angry face to Gitesh.

Gitesh who never seen ROli with angry face hide his face on Sid's shoulder and hug Sid's neck tightly.

Siddhant:Roli, why are talking rude to a child?  What he knows?  Dont misplace your anger on me towards him.

Roli: What you wish me to do now?

Siddhant: Roli, even if i tell you what i wish, you are not going to agree for that.  

Roli did not reply

Siddhant: But remember, everything is going to change soon and i assure that what Gitesh asked with happen.

Roli looked at Sid with a puzzle what he is trying to say.

Siddhant: Gitesh, dont worry darling.  Do you have belief on me.

Gitesh: Yes.  

Siddhant: Then dont worry.  You will get whatever you wish for soon.  I am here for you.

Siddhant kissed on his cheeks and took him to the park to play.

Roli was standing speechless without knowing how to react...

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