you are good uncle

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Siddhant was very upset for the past 2 days and he was unable to even concentrate on the work.

He avoided speaking to anyone as he fear he may misplace the anger and shout at them.

Siddhant instructed his PA to cancel all the appointments or meetings.

It was a saturday..

Siddhant thought of going somewhere for a change.

In the college days, he used to sit in the park near his room which used to give pleasure to him.  That fresh air, green atmosphere which he likes always.

Siddhant went in seach of that park after so many years..

He parked the car and went inside the park.

Infact that was the park where Roli & Siddhant spent the whole night on the previous day of her birthday night.

Siddhant entered into the park and sat in the chair like cement benches available for sitting purpose.

He closed his eyes with those golden memories for a while.  

Where he pulled her towards him and they were spending the night sitting without sleep hugging each other.

He can still feel the touch of her on his waist with passion & love.

SIddhant thought was disturbed when a ball hit on his leg.

He opened his eyes and looked at a child of around 4 years coming towards him with fear on his face to take the ball.

The child was fearing what if he scold for throwing the ball on him.

But Siddhant did not feel like scolding at the boy on seeing him.

Siddhant took the ball and gave it to the boy.

Boy: Thank you.  you did not scold me.

SIddhant: Scold you for what?

Boy: For throwing the ball on you.

Siddhant: It was thrown when you were playing right.  you did not mean to hit me right.

Boy: yes.

Siddhant: Then its ok.  there is no wrong in it.

Boy: You are very good uncle.

Siddhant smile.

He took the boy and made him sit on his lap.

SId: What is your name?

Boy: Gitesh..

Sid: Gitesh... Your name too..

Boy: Why uncle?  YOu know someone with this name.

SId: Not known person.  But heard about that person just recently who is disturbing my mind.  

Boy: Am i too disturbing your mind?

Sid: not all all.  You are giving pleasure to my mind.

Boy: Thank you

Sid: With whom you have come?  Are you alone in the park?

Boy: No uncle.  I have come with my mom.  She is sitting that side while i was playing here.

Sid: Oh ok.  

Boy: Uncle.  I am going otherwise my mom will search for me.

Gitesh tried to get down from his lap while Siddhant placed a kiss on his cheeks and waved good bye...

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