Roli's surprise

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Siddhant finished his final year and started searching for a job.

As he got good score, he got the job in few days of search.

Roli was very happy.

She came to his room to share the happiness on that weekend with him.

Sid: Roli, Now i got a job and its time for starting our life together instead of meeting like this in installment.

ROli blushed.

ROli: Siddhant, now i got nothing to hold you.  As we already discussed, you inform your family members and tell them to ask my hands.

Sid: I too wish for that ROli.  But this is not the thing which can be informed over phone.  I need to go there to my village to talk to them.  But you know i just joined the new job and got no leave in the probationary period which is for 6 months.

Roli: 6 months...

Roli expressed as upset.

Sid: That is what worrying me too darling.

Roli: Dont worry for that SIddhant.  I will take care.

SId: You will take care. What do you mean?

ROli: We will search for those meanings later.  But why are you wasting the very less time we have to spend together.

She asked looking into his eyes.

Siddhant with a smile pulled her closer to him and took her in his arms...

Siddhant after joining office was missing ROli a lot as they cant meet in the college too.

They were only talking over phone and on weekend they meet somewhere in the common place and once in a while in his room.

That weekend ROli did not come to meet him and only informed SId that she is going out of station on a tour.

Siddhant was feeling bad that this week he cant even see her in the weekend and need to wait for one more week for that.

When Siddhant was pushing the time in his room that weekend, he received call from Mataji.

Sid: Mataji, how are you all?  

Mataji: Siddhant, you forgot all of us or what after joining job.  Not even making calls.

Sid: Mataji, the whole week i spend in the office and the weekend i got some jobs like washing, cleaning and all.  That is why.

Mataji: ANyway.  We like our daughter in law.  Good selection.

Sid: What???

Mataji: What means?  We were suppose to introduce our daughter in law to you and now the days changed and son started introducing daughter in law to their parents.  You both have taken next step of the introduction.  Our daughter in law herself came to us and introduced herself as our would be daughter in law.

SId: You mean ROli came there..

Mataji: She is here only sitting next to me.  We already know when our son is very busy in Delhi that not only busy with his studies.  Now it is confirmed.  Anyway why we reject her when she is very beautiful and we got no valid reason to reject her.

Sid: Mataji, thank you mataji.  Thank you for accepting our love.

Mataji: Roli said we need to come to her house asking her hands to get married.  We are impressed that she is having respect for the elders and wish to marry traditionally.  SO we are coming with her there to Delhi to proceed with this.

Sujatha & Rajender too talked to Siddhant and finally gave the phone to Roli.

Sid: ROli...

Roli: Hmmm.  Tell me. How is my surprise to you?

Sid: This is what you said on that day that you will take care.

ROli: Then what.  I cant wait for 6 more months.

Sid; Who told you to wait?  Since you become my wife, i am telling you to be with me.  Where are you hearing?

ROli: But this happiness of getting married traditionally will not come if we do that.  What will your family members too feel?  If you tell them that you already married the girl you love without even informing them.

SId: You are right.  What can i do Roli?  My mind stops working when it start thinking about you.  COme quick.  I am unable to push the weekend without you darling.

ROli: Dont worry.  There will be no need for waiting till weekend very soon.  I will become your wife in front of the world...

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