you said 'ok' now?

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Siddhant sat beside ROli and wrap his hands around her shoulders.

ROli lean on his shoudlers and wrapped her hands around his waist.

Roli: Siddhant, are you excited.

Siddhant: Roli.. I am 1000 times excited Roli... I am unable to express how happy i am now.

Roli: Your excitement is showin in your actions dear.  You are doing like a mad.

Siddhant; Roli i am ready to become mad also for my darling.

Roli: But this is too much ok.  Remember nothing will happen just by walking.

Siddhant: I dont know all these.  I am not experienced Roli.  Even in Gitesh time, i was not there with you.  Now this golden opportunity i am not ready to miss by any chance.

Roli: Siddhant shall i tell you one thing.  

Siddhant; Tell me ROli.

Roli: Why cant you call your Mataji & Parents here this time?  It went long time seeing them too.  They are experienced and will guide you that nothing will happen by just walking or sitting.

Siddhant: You are right.  I will call Mataji & tell them to come here.  After we got divorce, i never allowed them to come here as they cant see me in tears.

Roli: Now there is no more tears.  So you call them.  Please...

Siddhant: Yes your order my queen.

ROSID smiled.

Gitesh rushed inside the room finishing his play.

ROSID moved apart and Siddhant precautionally moved towards him and took him in arms so that he dont jump on Roli.

Gitesh: pappa..

Siddhant: Gitesh darling...

Gitesh: Pappa why you both did not play with me today.  Mom said she is not well.  You too did not come to play.

Siddhant: yes darling.  Mom was not well.  SO i stayed with her to take care of her.

Gitesh: So you will not play with me.

Siddhant: Why not darling?  Just wait.  Your grandparents will be coming soon.  Then i will handover your mother responsibility to them and i will play with you.

Gitesh: My grand parents.

Siddhant: Yes darling.  They will be happy if they see you.

Gitesh: Where are they?

Siddhant: They are in our village.  

Gitesh: Ok.

Siddhant sat in the bed beside ROli maintaining some distance so that Gitesh do not hit on her with hands or legs.

Siddhant: Gitesh, Good news for you.

Gitesh: Good news!  What pappa?

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