No more your wife

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Siddhant was maintaining same relationship with Gitesh with pain in his heart.

Roli as well as Siddhant was with Gitesh each & every moment.

Siddhant only goes to canteen to bring food or coffee or tea for them while Roli sit with Gitesh.

Roli though not interested to take his help got no other way too.

Gitesh was with Siddhant more than Roli.

Gitesh sit on his lap & clasp his hands around his neck and kiss on his cheeks while Siddhant get tear filled on his eyes

Roli though pretend to be interested in separting them for their issue was feeling heavy heart on seeing their bond.

Gitesh slowly recovered and doctor confirmed that he is ok for discharge.

Siddhant only paid fully for the hospital expenses.

Roli denied to do that but Siddhant did not agree for that.

The time has come to return home.

Siddhant wish to take both of them to his house. But ROli ...

Siddhant took Gitesh on his hands and moved towards the exit.

Roli went behind them..

Siddhant took him to his car.

ROli: Its ok. We will go by auto.

Siddhant just turned towards her and gave a look while ROli stopped from further talking..

Roli get into back seat of the car.

Siddhant made Gitesh sit in the front seat next to him and he sat in the driving seat.

Gitesh: Uncle this is your car?

Siddhant: Gitesh, this is our car.

ROli looked at him with an angry look which Sid noticed through the mirror.

Siddhant reached till park.

Siddhant: Gitesh where is your house from here.

Roli: You know that house very well.

Siddhant: I know... which one you are telling.

Roli: Single room where we...

Siddhant understood & was surprised.

Siddhant drive towards that house.

Siddhant parked the car and took Gitesh in his arms and stand near the entrance.

Roli opened the door and all the 3 entered the room together.

Roli was unable to hold him due to Gitesh.

Gitesh: Uncle, this is my house.

Siddhant smiled.

Siddhant: Gitesh, on that day i told you i was in this area when i was studying.. I too was in this house only.

He said looking at Roli.

Gitesh: Uncle you too stayed in this house only.

Siddhant: Gitesh, not only stayed. My life started in this house only. You are too young to understand. Also my hands are tied to tell you anything.

Gitesh was looking at his face without understanding anything while Roli turned her face to hide her tears.

Siddhant looked around the house.

Other than very few vessels and few dresses of both in the bag. Nothing was there in that small room.

SIddhant was wondering why she is staying here leaving her big bunglow.

Siddhant made Gitesh to sleep and put him in the bed.

Siddhant went near Roli.

Roli was standing near the window facing outside with tears.

Siddhant went behind her and back hug tightly.

Roli was shocked by his sudden touch.

Roli: Siddhant remove your hands.

Siddhant: Roli, Look at me. Why all these ROli? Why you are also crying & putting me also in pain? What is the need?

Roli: It is my fate.

Siddhant: Roli you know how i made an empire for my queen. Now i got everything bunglow, car, luxury life. But my queen and now my prince too is only missing which is most important than what i got now.

Roli: Siddhant i am not your queen. I lost my king long back when i came to know he got connection with another girl.

Siddhant: Roli...

Siddhant turned her towards him and pinned her on the window.

Siddhant lift her face.

Siddhant: Roli, look into my eyes and tell me. Do you think i am such person?

Roli: Siddhant, I cant see your eyes and i cant tell you anything. Please dont behave like this with me. Remember i am no more your wife.

Siddhant: Roli you as well as myself knows how much we mutually love each other. If not you might have not join my shoulders in the hospital. Above that if i am of kind as you think, in these five years, i might have married someone else or might have gone searching for ladies... Do you feel so cheap about me.

Roli: Siddhant, i dont want to hear any of these.. I even saw Naina abortion bill of hospital.

Siddhant: So you decided i am the reason. Roli i will prove you that i have not done anything. Then you will be the one who feel more. You remember.

ROli did not reply.

Siddhant moved towards her face & kissed on her cheeks.

Roli tried to talk something...

Siddhant did not allow her to talk & hold her lips with his..

Roli tired to push him away. But she was unable to against his tight hold on her.

After a while Siddhant moved his lips apart.

Siddhant: Roli darling. Now i am going & will come back with a proof that i have not done any which you think..

Siddhant left her and went out.

Siddhant gave his sharp look on her turning towards her before leaving from her eyesight.

Roli was standing speechless...

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