Her wish to get married again

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Roli was sleeping and got some dream.

She wake up in the morning and looked for Siddhant...

Siddhant was taking bath at that time.

Siddhant came out having shower and was combing his hair.

Roli got up slowly being it is 8 months for her and walked towards Siddhant.

Siddhant: Good morning Roli darling.

Roli: Good morning Siddhant

ROli lean on his chest.

Siddhant wrap his hands around her.

Siddhant: Roli darling!  What happend?  What is bothering you?

Roli: How you came to know something is bothering me?

Siddhant: Wont i know about my sweetheart this much also?  Tell me.

Roli: Siddhant i wish to marry you.

Siddhant laughed.

Roli: Siddhant why are you laughing.

Siddhant: ROli we did married twice already.  you remember.  Once in the temple filling your forehead with sindoor on your birthday and then traditionally too.

Roli: Yes i know.  But after those two marriage also we were separated & took divorce too.

Siddhant: Roli, why you are talking about divorce now?  We both as well as our family knows that got no value now.

ROli: May be.  But i feel like marrying you again.  Wont you agree.  Are you not interested in marrying me?

Siddhant: Roli, what are you talking?  Why not interested in marrying you?  Not like that.  But see our Junior in the bed & also look at mirror.  Now what is the need for us to marry darling?

Roli: Siddhant.  I saw dream like marrying you.  After getting up, i feel to experience the same.  It is upto you now whether you marry me or not.

Siddhant made her to sit in the bed and sat beside her.

Siddhant; Roli, if that is your wish, i am ready to do as per your wish...

ROli: Really!!!

Roli asked widening her eyes.

Siddhant: I will talk to Mataji..

ROli kissed on his cheeks...

Roli went to fresh up herself and take bath.

Siddhant came out getting ready to office.

He was having breakfast..

Siddhant: Mataji, Roli is asking for something..

Mataji: Roli is asking for something.. Get it for her..What is the need to tell me?

Siddhant: Mataji, Roli wants to marry me..

Mataji: Siddhant.. You are already married.

Siddhant: Yes i know mataji... But may be as we divorced after that she feel like marrying again.

Mataji: But there is not need for it Siddhant.

Siddhant: I know Mataji.. But It is her wish.. Tell me what to do...

Mataji: We need fulfill the wish of Pregnant ladies... Otherwise she will be feeling frustrated inside her mind which is not good for her health.  So lets arrange for it.

Siddhant: Thanks Mataji...  But we will make it only with both of our families & only at home as she is pregnant and she should not take strain...

Mataji: Ok SIddhant... I do understand...

Mataji contacted pandit & checked for the auspicious date.

Mataji informed the date while Siddhant called Roli's parents & informed them to attend the function..

Mataji started making arrangements of their marriage at home.

Roli was feeling excited...

ROSID family gathered in the hall.

Pandit was chanting mantras..

Roli was looking beautiful in simple lehenga selected by Siddhant & Siddhant was handsome in his sherwani.

Sujatha was holding Gitesh and He was looking at his parents marriage with excitement.

Siddhant did Ganesh pooja.

ROSID exchanged garlands.

ROSID took 7 pheres.  Siddhant hold her hands & walk slowly with his support.

Siddhant filled Sindoor on her forehead.

Siddhant put mangal sutra on her neck.

All the elders blessed ROSID.

Siddhant: Roli... Are you happy now darling?

ROli: Yes Siddhant...I am very happy.

ROli lean on his shoulders...

Siddhant wrapped his hands around her and kissed on her forehead.

Roli: Siddhant I love you..

Siddhant: I love you too Roli... My wife who i married for 3rd time.  But you see though i married 3 times all the time i am getting chance to only marry the same girl

ROli: Siddhant... You mean you wish to marry someone else..

Siddhant: Where can i think that now when we just finished our marriage for 3rd time.

Roli: No Problem.  I will give you permission for that.  You try.

Siddhant: If i wish to try i might have tried very much earlier.  I am bound to you since our first sight.  Where can i think of even anyone else in my life?  you are my life darling...  I was just kidding.  I am very happy that i married my ROli all the 3 times.  Ok.

ROSID smiled.

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