RoSid daughter

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When Siddhant was looking her smiling face, Roli expression suddenly changed...

Siddhant understood she is not ok..

Siddhant: ROli, what happend?  Are you ok?

Roli: SIddhant i got pain.

Siddhant: Roli but doctor said 20 more days are there.

Roli: Siddhant please take me to hospital..

Mataji, Sujatha & Meena rushed towrads Roli seeing her in pain...

Mataji: Siddhant what happend?

Siddhant: Mataji, ROli is telling she got pain.

Mataji: Siddhant take her to hospital immediately.  

Siddhant took her in his arms and put her inside the car..

Siddhant called Doctor & informed that he is coming with ROli as she got pain.

After few minutes of drive Siddhant reached the hospital..

ROli was taken to labor ward.

Siddhant, Mataji, Sujatha & Meena were waiting outside with tension.

The time was running increasing tension to all...

Doctor came out and called Siddhant inside...

Doctor: Siddhant your wife got complication in delivery.

Siddhant: Doctor... 

Doctor: Siddhant, the position of the child is not good.  I can save either mother or child.  That is why i called you inside.

Siddhant without even thinking a minute immediately replied.

Siddhant: Doctor,  I want Roli...  No second thought in it.  Please save her.  

Doctor: Is it ok if child...

Siddhant: Doctor, i do have affection on the expected child, but not in the cost of my ROli...

Doctor: Well, please sign this paper.  We will do the operation and try to save both, if not Roli will be saved.

Siddhant: Ok doctor.

Siddhant signed the paper immediately and went out..

Roli was in one side of the screen while Doctor was talking to Siddhant on other side of the screen in a low voice.  But still the conversation was heard by Roli...

roli got tears...

Siddhant came out with a tension.

Mataji: Siddhant what happend?  Why doctor called you inside?

Siddhant: Nothing mataji.  they said there is some complication & need to do operation.

Mataji: Oh God!  Please save Roli & the baby.

All prayed to God for the welface of both the life.

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