I am very happy

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Siddhant was sitting under the tree were they used to.

Roli came there with a big smile on her face.

Roli: siddhant I am very happy.

Sid: roli you are happy!!!

Roli: why not anyone will be happy when their marriage gets fixed.

Sid: roli ..

Roli: siddhant look at this dress which we purchased yesterday. How beautiful

She said with a delighted face.

He was not interested to see that

Sid: is this beautiful. I don't like it.

Roli: but he likes it siddhant.

Sid: I don't want to know whether he likes it.

Roli: that is there. You know siddhant what a dressing sense he got. Unlike you who always wear mere formal dresses as if of age 30. He wear stylish dress in beautiful colors you know. Also the beautiful sports shoes in his legs add to his style.

Siddhant got angry & went from there.

Roli the next day found siddhant in stylish dress & sports shoe...

Roli shared a smile with him.

Roli: so cool siddhant..

Sid: what you thought I can't wear all these. It was not my interest that's why.

Roli: then for whose interest you wear this now

Sid: leave that can we start the classes

Roli: siddhant I am sorry. I have told him to teach me

Sid: but why?

Roli: how do I know you will be teaching me! For the past few days you stopped coming to teach. So I told him to teach. 

Sid: what was the necessity?

Roli: remember my exams are nearing.. That's why.

Sid: so what?

Roli: so now I am going to learn from him. Bye.. 

Siddhant was sitting the next day with angry face.

Roli came there.

Roli: hi siddhant, 

Sid: hi

Roli: you seems to be very angry today. What happened? You know he is a cool guy unlike you

Sid: roli why you come all the way to tell about him to me!

Roli: then to who else I can share? 

Sid: talk to him

Roli: come on siddhant. How can I talk about his own things to him?

Sid: roli leave it why you came here.

Roli: I wanted to tell you that I finished 2 lessons yesterday as he thought me very well

Sid: I don't think this information is required by me.

Sid left the place angrily

Days were passing & roli was continuing the same with siddhant...

One day..

Roli: Siddhant you know tomorrow is my birthday & he promised me to make the day special

Sid: tomorrow is your birthday?

Roli: yes. You know I am excited to know what he is planning for my birthday to make it special

Sid: oh you are excited?

Roli: of course.

Sid: let me too see how you spend your birthday with your so called cool guy

Roli: let me see means? What do you mean siddhant?

Sid: you will know tomorrow what I mean...

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