Can you take tution?

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Roli was sitting below the tree thinking deeply.

Siddhant came there seeing Roli.

SIddhant: Ms. Roli, what happend?  What is bothering you?

Roli: Mr. Siddhant, This subject only.  What else? I am trying to understanding this since long.  But unable to.

Siddhant: Show me what it is!

Roli showed the book to him while Siddhant laughed.

Roli: Why are you laughing now as if i have told you some big joke?

Siddhant: Ms. Roli, this is very simple.  I will explain you.

Roli:  Are you from same branch?

SIddhant: Yes of course.  I am from same branch in 2nd year now.

Roli: Oh well!  Then please help me.

Siddhant explained her in detail.

Roli understood it clearly.

Siddhant: Did you got it now?

ROli: Well it is very clear.  You seems to be very studious.

Siddhant: Not exactly.  But try to make my best.

He said with a smile.

ROli: If you dont mind.  Can you give me your number?  I will ask you if any doubt raise in any of this.

Siddhant: Sure.  There is nothing to mind in this.  It is just mutual help.

Siddhant gave his number to her and tried to move from there.

Roli: Mr. Siddhant, dont you like to take my number.

Siddhant: But why!  Are you going to clarify any of my doubts?

He asked raising his eyebrows and went from there sharing a smile.

Roli left to her class with a smile stick on to her face.

Roli's friend Deepa noticed it.

Deepa: ROli, what happend?  You are smiling on your own.

Roli: Nothing Deepa.  Just was reading the subejct & understood how it is to be done.

Deepa: ROli, does anyone smile on their own for the reason that they understood the subject.  I dont think so.

Roli: Then what you think.

Deepa: There should be some reason behind.  Is there anyone disturbing your mind?  Tell me. Tell me.

Roli: Oh God!  Nothing like that Deepa.  Where you went thinking something like that?

In the meantime, the Mam came to their class and the classes started.

Roli started concentrating the classes.  But her thoughts were also remembering how beautifully Siddhant explained her.

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