Weekend trip

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Siddhant that weekend came to Roli's room in the morning itself.

Siddhant: Gitesh darling!  Good morning.

Gitesh: Good morning.

Siddhant: Darling  is still in the bed!  Get ready we are going out today.

Gitesh:Jolly! Jolly!

Gitesh got up with excitement.

Siddhant: Now lets go & brush your teeth

Siddhant took Gitesh and moved towards bathroom.

Siddhant himself made him to brush his teeth and also gave bath.

He put the new dress which he bought for him.

Gitesh was full of excitement while ROli was wondering what is his plan today.

Siddhant: Roli, you wish me to tell you separately.  Get ready soon.

He ordered and gave the new dress bag too.

Roli tried to ask something.

Siddhant: I did not gave permission to ask anything now.  You remember that.

Roli remembered him telling not to talk that whole day of her birthday and blushed.

Roli did not try to talk anything further and she is sure he will do what he wants anyway as well as Gitesh already ready to go with him.

Roli got ready in few minutes.

All the 3 reached near car.

Roli get into the back seat as usual.

Siddhant did not start the car and was looking at her from corner of his eyes.

Roli understood and got down from back seat and came to the front seat and took Gitesh on her lap.

Siddhant with a smile started the car.

The car was going long way.

Gitesh was enjoying for long time and slowly slept.

Roli put Gitesh on the back seat to sleep comfortably and sat in the front seat.

Roli was unable to hold the suspense.

ROli: Siddhant, where are we going?

SIddhant: ROli, you never changed darling?  Same question where are we going.  Standard from day 1 till today.

Roli: Please stop teasing and tell me.

Siddhant: Ok.  Tell me.  Where you will come if i take you?  

Roli: What do you mean?

Siddhant: Roli, remember you are the one said you will be ready to go to even hell if it is with me.  right???

Roli remembered her telling that to him when they were together.

Siddhant: But now i am not taking you to hell.  Just weekend trip we are going.

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