I will prove myself

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Roli & Siddhant were sitting on both sides of Gitesh..

Gitesh slowly got conscious and opened his eyes.

Gitesh saw Roli & SIddhant on both sides.

Gitesh: Uncle..

Gitesh hold his hands...

Siddhant looked at Roli.

Siddhant tried to open his mouth to tell something while Roli talk before that.

Roli: Gitesh, Tell Thanks to Uncle as he only saved you giving blood.

Gitesh: Thank you uncle.

Siddhant gave an angry look at Roli thinking why she is still telling him as Uncle.

Roli expressed that they can talk later.

Siddhant did not open his mouth thinking Gitesh's health condition.

He only caresses him and placed a kiss on his cheeks.

Gitesh was holding his hands tightly and slept in a while.

Roli: SIddhant can you come out.  I wish to talk to you.

Siddhant slowly removed his hands and came out.

Siddhant: ROli, still why you are introducing me as uncle to him.

ROli: I know you are angry on that & to clarify that only i called you out to talk about that. I dont want any discussion to happen in front of him.

Siddhant:  Roli what clarifiction you are going to give now.

Roli: Siddhant, First i am sorry that i lean on your shoulder as i was not in my control when Gitesh was injured.  I dont have any rights for that.

Siddhant gave weird look into her eyes.

Roli: Secondly I know before few days itself that you are only playing with him.  Still i did not tell him who you are as I dont what him to know that.

Siddhant: Roli, what do you mean by this?

Roli: I mean.  I did not hold you both to play together as i dont want to take away your presence from him when he is happy with you. In the meantime, i cant tell him that you are his father.

Siddhant: But why?

Roli: Siddhant did you forgot we got divorced.  I dont want to renew our relation and if Gitesh knows about your truth he may wish to stay with you too which i  dont want.  I cant stay away from him.  Now itself he is more attached with you than me.

Siddhant:Why Roli?  You feel jealous or what.  Ok leave it.  But why we can renew our relation.  Divorce is given only in papers & it is nothing that it cant let us renew our life together.

Roli: But i dont wish for.

Siddhant: But why Roli?  Till now neither i know why you asked for divorce nor i know what is bothering you now.

Roli: Siddhant, dont pretend to be innocent.  You know very well what made us separate.

Siddhant: Roli i promise you till now i dont know exactly what happened.

Roli: SO you wish me to tell you that i asked divorce as you got illegal relationship with your PA Naina.

Siddhant: Roli, what rubbish are you talking?  Who said this?  Nothing like that has happened.

Roli: Siddhant, please.. i dont want to refresh all those bitter days again.  With much difficulty i am trying to forget it.

Siddhant: Roli, please tell me who said that & how you believed it?

Roli: Siddhant no one said that.  I saw with my own eyes in the photos.

Siddhant: Photos?  Roli i dont know what you saw in the photos.  But i can assure you 100% that nothing has happened like that.

Roli: Please siddhant.  Dont increase my anger by talking about that again.

Siddhant: ROli if someone need to be angry.  Then it should be myself.  You hide my son also from me i can say.  But still i dont blame you for anything. But i cant accept your blame on me which never happened...

Roli: Siddhant, my son is unwell & i dont want to argue with you on unwanted thing.  

Roli went back to Gitesh and sat beside him.

Siddhant entered into the room and looked at Gitesh with Love & Passion.

Siddhant know there is some misunderstanding behind what ROli said.  

Siddhant himself was having misunderstanding on ROli that she married again which proved to be wrong now.  Likewise Siddhant decided to prove himself...

Siddhant started thinking the way to prove him right...

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