Bonding together

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Siddhant returned to his house.  His thoughts were around that cute boy who he met in the park.

Unknown to Siddhant, he was remembering his childhood days on seeing that boy.

He was feeling like looking at him as a child..

He was thrilled by this new feeling.

His heart was suddenly filled with happiness.

Siddhant went to have dinner happily.

He told to serve too as he was feeling happy.

Siddhant slept remembering that boy in his mind, his smile, his cute face everything was occupied in his mind.

Even in the dream, that boy was coming towards Siddhant.

Siddhant who got up realised it was just a dream and smiled.

He drink some water to relax himself and went to the balcony.

Siddhant decided to go to that park and see the boy the next day too.

Siddhant now was feeling like he got some meaning to wait till morning and this thought itself was giving pleasure to him.

He got ready happily and went to office.

He greet himself 'Good morning' to all staffs & PA too.

His PA was wondering how his boss got such good mood over night when he was upset for past few days.

Siddhant told him to arrange all the cancelled meetings on that day.

PA was literally surprised on his new level of energy which he never seen in the past.

Siddhant was busy the whole day having meetings of all the past 2 days.

By evening, he rushed towards the park.

Siddhant sat in that same bench and was waiting for the boy.

But he cant find that boy coming to play for long.

Siddhant was restless and eager for Gitesh..

After few minutes of waiting he got that happiness.

yes.  the boy finally came to play in that park.

Gitesh too noticed Siddhant in that bench and rushed towards him happily.

SIddhant took the boy and made him to sit on his lap and kissed on his cheeks.

Siddhant took out the chocolate he kept in his pocket for him and gave it to him.

Gitesh: Thank you uncle..

Sid: With pleasure my child.

Siddhant was himself shocked on telling 'my child' to him which came out spontaneous without himself thought of it.

Siddhant hug the child tightly.

He was getting unexplainable happiness with him..

Siddhant kissed the child again while Gitesh too kissed Siddhant.

Sid: Gitesh, you come here to play daily.

Gitesh: Yes uncle.  My mom after coming from office bring me here to play for sometime.

SId: Your house is nearby only.

Gitesh: yes.  it is near that side

Siddhant remembered on that side only his room was there.

Sid: Gitesh, i too was living there once when i was studying college.

Gitesh: Is it!

Sid nod his head as acceptance.

Sid: Gitesh, dont you have friends to play with you?

Gitesh: No uncle.  there is no friends near my house and i play alone in the park.

SId: Wont your mom play with you.

Gitesh: No uncle.  you know she will sit that side and will be crying till i return from playing.

Sid: She cry?  But why?

Gitesh: No idea.  

Siddhant was not interested to know about his mother further as it is not good to enquire such with a small child.

Sid: Gitesh, Can i play with you?  I will come here daily and play with you.  Is it ok for you?

Gitesh: Really!!  I will be happy uncle.  

Siddhant started playing with him throwing the ball.

Gitesh as well as Siddhant was happy playing together...

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