Tonic of her life

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Siddhant eyes too filled with tears on hearing this.

Siddhant: Roli, so you came out of your parents house as soon as knowing about pregnancy.

Roli: Yes.  I neither wanted their remarriage arrangement nor wanted to lose my child.

Siddhant: Roli i feel happy that you prefered to wear the dress & jewels which i bought for you while coming out.  Also you did not leave mangal sutra too.

Roli: Siddhant i may be angry on you because of some other reason.  But i believe i got rights to wear the dress & jewels which you bought for me than the one which belongs to my parents.

Siddhant: Of course darling!  Not only on those dress & jewels.  But also having rights on me.

He said and kissed her cheeks turning towards her face.

Roli: Siddhant, Why are you doing all these when we are separated?

Siddhant: Roli we are separated?  Look at ourself and tell me whether we are looking like separated.

ROli: That is because of you.

Siddhant: Oh!  That is because of me.  Then why did you hug on that day in the hospital.  Then why you did not try to move away now.  Are you not feeling the comfort on my shoulders and hug?

Roli: Siddhant what you expect me to tell for this?  I agree i love you.  I agree i feel comfort on your shoulder and hug.  I agree everything.

Siddhant: Then why you are living separate darling.  Why you are not ready to rejoin my hands.

Roli: Because of the same reason for which we were separated earlier.

Siddhant: Oh god!  Again.  Ok.  I will sort that first, then will talk to you again on that..

ROli: Siddhant, shall i tell you something.

Siddhant: Hmmm.

Roli: If you prove yourself as you are telling, the first person who will be happy in this world is only me.

Siddhant lift her face and smiled.

Siddhant: That will happen soon darling!  Please believe me.

Roli on looking into his eyes forgot herself and kissed on his right cheeks.

Then she realised what she did and hide herself on his shoulders.

Siddhant: Hmmm.  Now my queen placed her kiss.  Soon i will get everything.

He said with a smile.

Siddhant: ROli then what you did to manage after coming out..

Roli tried to talk further when Gitesh was showing movements on his body.

Roli & Siddhant realised he is getting up and moved apart from each other.

Gitesh got up and jumped on Siddhant's lap.

Gitesh kissed on his left cheeks.

Siddhant: Oh god! i am very lucky today that getting kisses over kisses on my cheeks.

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