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The days were passing...

Jeevita was 1 years old when Gitesh came from school with upset face.

Roli was trying to find out what is bothering him.

But Gitesh was not telling anything to ROli.

Gitesh: Mom, i will talk to pappa only.

ROli: Oh!  Pappa ka beta, what happens if you tell me.

Gitesh: No I will tell to pappa only.

Roli called Siddhant.

Roli: Siddhant come home..

Siddhant: What happend ROli?

Roli: Who knows? Gitesh is sitting upset & when i ask he wants to tell you only.

Siddhant: But ROli i am in a meeting.

Roli: Siddhant, leave all the meetings ok.  Which is important for you?  Your family or your meeting?

Siddhant: Of course Family only my darling.

ROli: Then come quick.

SIddhant dispersed the meeting and rushed towards home.

ROli: Siddhant, see you are only spoiling Gitesh like this..

Siddhant: Relax ROli.. WHy are you tensed now?  I will talk to him.

Siddhant sat in the bed and called Gitesh.

Gitesh came near Siddhant and sat on his lap.

Siddhant: Gitesh, what happend my darling?  Why are you upset?

Gitesh told something on Siddhant's ears and Siddhant started laughing.

Roli: Siddhant, what happend?  Why are you laughing like this?

Siddhant told something on Gitesh ears...

Gitesh looked at Roli.

Roli was wondering what is happening between them,

Gitesh: Mom Please tell 'Ok'

Roli: Please tell Ok means! for what?

Gitesh: I have not given permission to ask question.  Just tell 'Ok'

Roli hold Gitesh ears and twist gently.

Roli: Pappa ka beta.. See talking similar like pappa.  Not given permission to ask question...

Gitesh & Siddhant laughed...

Roli: SIddhant can you tell me what is happening?

Siddhant: Roli,  Gitesh was upset as his friend prasad got 'Brother'

Roli eyes were widened

Roli: So...

Siddhant: So, he told me that and as usual i said 'your mother should tell 'Ok' for that'

Roli: So he is pushing me to tell 'Ok'

Siddhant: Exactly..

ROli: Siddhant... All these only because of you...  

Roli now twist Siddhant's ears...

ROSid laughed...

ROSID with their Gitesh & Jeevita lead their life with Inseparable Love forever...

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