Extraordinary care of Sid

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Siddhant was looking at ROli with excitement.

In the meantime, this experience is new as well as precious for him as he missed Gitesh pregnancy time with her.  

Siddhant: Roli, I am really happy about it.  I cant let you to do anything.  

Roli: SIddhant what do you mean by this?  You will not let me do anything.

Siddhant: I mean, you need to take compelte rest sitting or sleeping in the bed.

Roli: Siddhant...

Siddhant: Roli.. Dont talk louder.  Shhh.

Roli: What will happen if i talk louder?

Siddhant: Then you will get strain in your body.

ROli: Siddhant.. Dont you feel this is too much dear?

Siddhant: No.  See i dont know what you did during Gitesh pregnancy.  But now i will take care of you completely.

Roli: I am happy you take care of me.  But not like this.

Siddhant:  Shhh.  I told you to be silent or talk in small voice.

ROli gave angry look at Siddhant.

Siddhant:  Roli, you cant get angry too.  It is not good for you and the baby.

ROli; Ok then you do one thing. In a paper list out what all i can do.

Siddhant: There is nothing you can do now.  So nothing will be in the list.

Roli: Then what can i do the whole day.

Siddhant: Take rest... Take rest... Take rest...

Roli: Then who will take care of house hold works.

Siddhant: Servants.

Roli: Who will take care of Gitesh?

Siddhant: I will take care.

Roli: Who will bring him from school then?

Siddhant: I will appoint driver to bring him from school.

Roli: Siddhant.. really this is too much.  There is no such necessity.

Siddhant: I dont know whether you need or not.  But it is my duty & responsibility to take care of you.

Roli was standing speechless...

Roli was looking at him puzzled how to handle him who is too much of take care for her.

Siddhant: Roli why are you standing this long time.

Roli regained her conscious on this question.

ROli: Siddhant you mean i cant stand also?

Siddhant: Roli you can stand but not for this long time.  Come here and sit.

Siddhant hold her hand & tried to move towards the bed.

Roli took her first step from there as usual.

Siddhant: Roli stop..

Roli stopped and looked at him what happend now.

Siddhant: ROli are we having any Walking race now.

Roli: Walking race!!!

Siddhant: Then why are you trying to take fast & big steps to walk.

Roli: OH God!

Siddhant: No need to jump like horse or deer ok.

Roli: Oh!  I have just kept one step and you find jumping like horse or deer!!!

Siddhant: Yes.  So walk slowly.

Roli: Shall i walk like tortoise then.

Siddhant: If possible slower than that.

Roli: Slower than that!!! Snail is ok for you.

Siddhant think for a while..

Siddhant: Is there anything which moves more slower than that.

ROli: Is ant ok? 

Siddhant: Not right! Ant is very fast.  Did you saw how fast it moves.

Roli: Then suggest yourself.

Siddhant: Hmmm.. Ok i agree like snail.  Take small steps and move slowly.

Roli: Ok.  I will walk like snail, then when i will reach till bed.

Siddhnt: What is urgency darling?

Roli: But by walking like snail, i will get pain in leg.  Is it ok?

Siddhant: Roli... I am telling for your good only

Roli: What good Siddhant?  I told you this good news very happily.. Now i feel why i told this to you.  It seems you will not even let me to walk normally.

Siddhant: Ok Ok.   Dont get upset darling.  Hold my hands and walk slowly as much as possible without getting pain.  Is it ok for you.

Roli: Hold your hands & walk from here to bed.   Why cant i walk alone?

Siddhant: You can. But you hold me for support.

Roli: Siddhant...

Siddhant: Why ROli?  Wont you hold my hands?

ROli with a smile hold his hands.

Roli: Siddhant what is there in holding your hands.  My concern is only your extraordinary care.  

Siddhant: Ok dont talk much.  Now walk slowly and come to the bed.

Roli gave a long breathe and started moving towards the bed.

Siddhant: Slowly darling.

Roli: SIddhant, i cant walk slower than this ok.

Siddhant: Ok.  Ok..

Slowly ROSId reached near the bed

Roli went to sit in the bed.

Siddhant: Slowly darling.  Why you in such urgency?  Sit slowly.

Roli: Oh God!  How i am going to spend all these coming months now?

Roli was puzzled...

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