Happy birthday Roli

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Roli had dinner and went to her room.  She was trying to sleep while she got call from Siddhant.

Roli: Siddhant, you are calling in this time?

SId: ROli can you come out of your house.

ROli: Out of my house? What are you talking?

Sid: Yes Roli. I am waiting for you outside.

Roli went to the window and saw Siddhant standing there.

Roli: Siddhant, what are you doing here in this time?

Sid: Roli, i have not told you to ask any questions to me.  I told you to come.

ROli: SIddhant...

Sid: Please.. I dont have time now.. Can you come out yourself or i enter into the house to..

ROli: Ok Ok.  I will come myself.  wait.

ROli rushed out towards him in her beautiful night dress.

Siddhant's eyes were scanning her beauty in the night dress.

ROli blushed and down her eyelids.

Roli: Siddhant now tell me why you came here.  That too this time.

Sid: Still I have not told you to ask questions right.  I told you to come.  Get on the bike.

ROli: Get on the bike.  Where are we going?

Sid: That i will tell you later.

Roli: But how can i in this night dress.

Sid thought for a while.

Sid: Ok.  Now the time is 11:30.  Come back in 5 minutes changing your dress.

Roli: What will you do if i dont come?

Sid: As i said already, i will get into your house.

ROli: Oh!  Please... I will come back.  Just wait

Roli went to her room and changed her dress.  She rushed out towards him in 5 minutes.

Sid started his bike and turned towards her.

His eyes ordered her to get on the bike.

Roli get on the bike and sat with little distance holding the handle.

SId took his hands backward and hold her hands.

Sid made her hands wrapped around his waist and pulled her closer.

Roli fell on his back by his pulling towards him.

Roli: Siddhant...

Sid: ROli, I did not told you to talk anything yet.  Come silently..

Sid started riding the bike very fast while ROli tighten her grip around his waist...

Siddhant took Roli in a long drive for about 20 minutes and they reached a big restaurant for candle light dinner where SId already booked a table.

Siddhant made her sit in the chair and sat next to her.

ROli: Siddhant...

Sid: Shhh

Sid signalled the hotel staff and he bring the cake to the table.

SId: Happy Birthday Roli.

The Clock showed the time as 12.

Roli was surprised.

Roli look into his eyes.

SId: Can we cut the cake?

Roli cut the cake and feed the piece of cake to Sid while Sid feed the piece of cake to Roli.

Sid ordered for some light food.

Roli: Siddhant i had dinner already.

SId: Why you had when i am hungry?  You dont have any other option other than giving company to me now.

The server kept the food and left the place giving privacy to them.

The whole room was empty as it is midnight time.

Sid started feeding food to ROli starting from Sweet.

Roli: Siddhant I had food already.  YOu are hungry.  SO you have food first.

Roli too feed to Siddhant.

After having the food Sid order for icecream.

Roli & Siddhant had the icecream of same cup with a single spoon feeding each other.

After finishing the beautiful dinner of their life they came out of the restaurant.

Siddhant took her to a park.

They sat under the tree.

Roli sat about a feet away from him.

Siddhant moved towards her and pulled her more closer holding her hip.

ROli blushed.

ROli: Siddhant...

SId: Shhh.  Still i have not told you to talk anything.

ROli smiled.

Siddhant wrap his hands around her shoulder and pulled more closer.

Roli now lean on his shoulder.

Roli wrapped her hands around his waist and closed her eyes.

Siddhant too closed his eyes and they were sitting for hours without talking anything or without moving anywhere.

They were just enjoying the holding on each other and the happiness on each others arms.

The words got no use at that moment when all the communications were happening between their hearts...

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