Naming the baby girl

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ROSID were in their room.

Gitesh was sleeping.

Siddhant was holding the baby in his arms while ROli was leaning on his shoulders.

Roli got tears filled on her eyes and the tears started scrolling down wetting SId's shouder.

Siddhant: ROli, are you crying?  Look at me.  What happend?

Roli: SIddhant.. I am sorry.

Siddhant: ROli.. SOrry for what?

Roli: Siddhant where you are & where i am?  I dont deserve you.

Siddhant: Roli.. WHy are you talking like this.  Tell me what happend?

Roli: I heard that..

Siddhant: What you heard darling?  I cant understand.

Roli: I heard what you told to doctor.

Siddhant: What told to doctor?  When?

Roli: During my delivery to save me.

Siddhant: Oh!  You are telling that.  What is the big deal darling?  Then what else you expect me to tell.  Of course i only tell to save your life.

Roli: WOnt you feel bad if this baby...

Siddhant: Of course i feel bad, but not more than losing my roli..

ROli: Siddhant you remember i fight with you one day telling your daughter is most important for you than me.  But when you were telling to doctor to save me instead of baby, i realised how much my Siddhant loves me.

Siddhant: Roli.. NO need for you to face the danger to realise i am in love with you.  Just close your eyes and hear your heart.  Your heart will tell you our love.

Roli lift her face & kissed on his cheeks.

Baby started crying.

Siddhant: Oh!  My cutie got hungry and searching for her mom.

Siddhant said with a smile and gave the baby to ROli.

ROli feed the baby and it slept.

Siddhant: ROli, your health is not good.  Now take rest and sleep.

Siddhant made her to sleep on his shoulder and he wrapped his hands around her.

Roli slept on his shoulder peacefully.

ROSID were under confusion...

Siddhant: ROli, we were telling from day one it is girl baby.  But not yet decided a name...

Roli: Yes Siddhant... We never thought of a name you see...

All were waiting in the hall for naming ceremoney & ROSID were not getting any name.

Mataji: Siddhant & ROli, come here. 

Siddhant: ROli, did not got any name...

Roli: No SIddhant... Did you.

Siddhnat: If i get, then why i am asking you...

Roli: Oh god!  Mataji already called us to come out.  What can we say when they ask for the name?

SIddhant: Lets go & see whether they got any option with them.

ROSID went outside holding the baby in their arms.

They were still thinking for the name.

The pooja was performed.

Pandit: Tell me the decided name.

ROSID looked at each other..

They were not getting any good name to decide.

Mataji: Siddhnant & Roli what you are thinking.  Tell the name.

Siddhant: Mataji...

When all were looking what Siddhant is trying to say..

Gitesh: Jeevita..

ROSID were surprised..

Gitesh; Pappa, let my sister name as Jeevita...

ROSID were excited..

Siddhant kissed on Gitesh cheeks.

Siddhant: Let the name of the baby as Jeevita..

Roli told the name on baby ears...

All the family members welcome Jeevita.. with cute presents...

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