Siddhant you changed a lot

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Roli reached Divedi house in her car.

She just got down from the car and closed the door of the car very fast.

What else she can do?  She was unable to show her frustration in anything else.

Roli marched towards her house and entered into the door while her father Jamanlal Divedi hold her on the way.

Jamanlal: What happend Roli? 

Roli: What will happen Pappa?

Jamanlal: Did you got it?

Roli: Yes pappa.  Everything is finished now

Roli did not wait there anymore and rushed towards her room.

ROli locked the door and throw her bag to the sofa.

She rushed towards her bed and jumped into the pillow and started crying.

The make up got no effect now which was hiding her pain all these hours.

The tears were wetting the pillow, but was unable to subside her pain in the heart.

The luxury of car, the big bunglow, servants nothing gave happiness to her.

The imported furnitures, wardrobe, decorative items were never giving delight to her.

The feather bed & pillows were unable to get her peaceful sleep which she was enjoying all these months till few days before..

Rich designer dresses were only able to give beauty to her physical appearance, but not to her mind whcih was searching for simple cotton clothes selected by him.

How happily they were spending their life all these months?

She used to think no one in the world might have enjoyed the each & every minute of life to the extent they did.

How much love?  How much caring?  How much understanding?

Roli was thinking, Siddhant what made you to do that?  What made you to break my heart into pieces?  What made you to break my trust?

Roli was broken.  Broken by heart.

ROli to herself: Siddhant, did i failed to show my love to you?  Did you find any deficiency in our married life?  I did not expect you to do that.  I cant bear that Siddhant.  I cant bear..

Roli got no shoulder to hold her in this big house.

She sat in the bed holding her head which started paining.

Roli to herself: Siddhant, After that what we got to talk to each other or reconcile.  I cant talk to you.  I dont have that courage.  I will break down.  I will break down.

Roli was crying badly.  

Her throat started paining.  

Her head was heavy.

Roli to herself: Siddhant why you was like that?  You are not like how i really love.  You changed a lot.  I never let you unshaven.  I never let you wear black shirt.  I never let you miss the due of hair cut.  But when i came out of your life, you decided to do whatever i dont like right?  You wanted to show me that my likes are no more your likes right?  I never expect all these from you. You have changed.  you have changed...

Roli was driven to the memories of those delightful days...


Roli Divedi the one & only daughter of one of the rich man in the town Jamanlal Divedi and Meena Jamanlal Divedi.

She was excited about her first day of college.

Roli took extra care to dress up herself to add beauty to her.

Roli took her favorite car and drive towards the College.

She parked the car in the parking area and got down from the car melting so many hearts around in that place.

When ROli was moving towards the classroom, she was blocked from going by a Senior guy in the college.

Roli: Please take your hands from my way.

Senior: hello!  I am your senior and you need to give due respect to me before going from here.

Roli: What respect you expect from me?  Who are you for me?  

Senior: Are you deaf?  I said I am your senior.

Roli: So what?

Senior: Dont you know you need to greet your senior?

Roli: OH!  Good morning Sir!

Senior: See i am only your senior & not your professor to greet as Sir.

Roli: See you said i need to greet & i did.  Can you let me go now.

She asked with irritated face & tone.

Senior: What will you do if i dont let you go?

That is when the handsome guy came there.

Guy: Hello Bro!  Why are you troubling her?  Let her go.  

Senior: What bother you Mr.?

Guy: See I am also senior only.  But it is not that the Senior always need to tease juniors.  If you wish you can maintain friendship with them.

Senior: Oh!  See the person has come to give lecture.  What is the relationship you got with this girl?

The guy got angry & hold his shirt collar.

Guy: Mind your words! 

Senior: Hi Bro!  Why you are getting tensed?  It is normal to tease junior which i did.  I dont know what is bothering you much.

Guy: I got nothing with this girl.  I am just talking in general in humanity.

Senior: Ok Ok.  Lets leave this here itself.

That senior went from there.

The guy turned towards Roli.

Guy: I am sorry that he tried to talk relating us unwantedly.

Roli: Its ok.  There is no mistake of yours in this.  Anyway thanks.

Guy: Thanks for what!

Roli: Thanks for talking to that guy in support of me.

Guy: As i said to that guy.  I just did in humanity. Nothing else.  

Roli: By the way.  What is your name guy?

Guy: I am Siddhant.  Siddhant Bharatwaj.

Roli: My name is Roli.  Roli Divedi.

Roli forward her hands to shake hands with him while SIddhant too forward his hands to join her hands.

Then they left to their classes sharing a smile.

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