Save our son

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The days were passing...

Roli though came to know Siddhant is Gitesh's Uncle friend as usual bring Gitesh to play in the park.

Gitesh plays with Siddhant while Roli gaze at them hiding herself.

This has become their routine..

One day Roli was bringing Gitesh towards park while Gitesh in a hurry left Roli's hands and ran in the road.

A motor bike which came very fast did not expect Gitesh coming and stopped with a sudden brake.

Though the bike stopped due to its speed, it hit Gitesh slightly and Gitesh fell down and got injured.

ROli was shocked...

The people around there stopped an auto and made Gitesh and ROli get into the auto.

Roli with tears reach hospital.

Gitesh was taken to emergency ward and was treated.

Doctor after checking him came out informing he requires blood which is rare group.

ROli: Doctor, please get it from anywhere.  i want my son to be cured.

Doctor: Madam, please try to understand.  we dont have that in the blood bank.  That is why telling you to arrange.

Roli: Doctor i dont belong to that blood group.  we dont have anyone else. Who can i ask for it?

Doctor: Some blood relatives will be there with same blood group.  Think and ask them.  Now we cant delay much.  

ROli was thinking for a while and remembered Siddhant belongs to same blood group.

ROli took her mobile.  But was hesitating for a while.

ROli was thinking, now Gitesh is more important..

Roli finally called Siddhant...

Siddhant who was waiting for Gitesh in the park was shocked to receive call from Roli number after so many years.

Siddhant was thinking why she is calling suddenly now.

Then he pick the call.

Siddhnat: Hello

Roli started crying.

SIddhant: Roli, why are you crying?

ROli: Gitesh met with accident.

Siddhant was thinking her husband Gitesh met with accident.  He was thinking why Roli is calling Siddhant when her new husband is under trouble.

Siddhant: What you wish me to do now?

Roli: Siddhant what are you talking?  I did not expect this from you

Siddhant: ROli i only did not expect this from you. I never thought you will do that.

ROli: Siddhant, Lets have our arguments later.  Now our Child life is important.

Siddhant was stunned on hearing the word our child.

SIddhant: ABout whom are you talking now?

Roli: Siddhant about our son Gitesh..

Siddhant: Our son Gitesh.. ROli what are you talking?

Roli: Yes Siddhant.  Gitesh with whom you were playing daily is our son.

Siddhant felt like the earth moved below his feet for a while.

It took a while for him to get the info into his brain and understand.

Siddhant: Roli where are you now?  What happend to Gitesh?

Roli gave the hospital details to him.

Siddhant took his car & rushed towards hospital.

Roli was standing leaning on the wall with tears..

Siddhant rushed towards her.

Roli forgot everything and lean on his shoulders and started crying.

Siddhant was unable to understand how to react now.

Siddhant is now sure Gitesh is not her husband and it is their son.  

It means Roli is still Siddhant's.

Siddhant now collect his courage to wrap his hands around her and console her.

Siddhant: ROli, dont cry.  Tell me what happend.

Roli: Siddhant when we were coming to park, Gitesh in a rush left my hands and crossed the road while bike hit him and he fell down.  He need blood now.  He belongs to your blood group the rare one.  Now your blood alone can help him.  Please do it for me.  Let our problems be aside.  Please please. Save him SIddhant.   Dont punish him for me.

Siddhant: Roli what are you talking?  Ok.  Lets talk about our problem later.  I am ready to give blood to him.

They rushed towards doctor and Siddhant told doctor to use his blood.

Gitesh was treated taking blood of Siddhant..

Siddhant came out after giving blood and sat beside Roli.

Roli was still crying.

Siddhant hold her hands while Roli lean on his shoulders.

Siddhant: Roli dont cry. Nothing will happen to him.

Roli: Thank you Siddhant that you gave blood to him and saved his life.

Doctor came out and gave good news that Gitesh is ok now.

Gitesh was shifted to room.

Roli & Siddhant rushed to see him in the room.

Roli sat beside him and started crying..

Siddhant who was thinking Gitesh as someone now realised he is his own son.

He can now realise what was pulling them together.

Siddhant remembered the moments they played together.

Siddhant remembered Gitesh calling him 'Uncle' while tears rolled down his cheeks...

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