Truth is out

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Siddhant entered into a house.

Naina was sitting in the hall looking at TV.

Naina was shocked seeing Siddhant there.

Naina: Sir!!!

Siddhant went near her and sat beside her.

Siddhant: How are you Naina?

Naina moved a little in the sofa away from him.

Naina: I am fine sir.

Siddhant too moved towards her.

Siddhant: How many days went seeing you?  I have been searching for you badly.

Naina again moved away from him a little..

Naina; WHy sir?  Why you were searching for me?

Siddhant again moved towards her.

Siddhant: Oh!  Come on Naina.  How much I was loving you & you are asking such silly question why i was seaching for you?

Naina was shocked.

Naina got up from that seat itself and sat in the another one sitter seat.

Naina: Sir what are you talking?  When you loved me?

Siddhant: Didn't I love you.  Are you sure or you got memory loss.

Naina: No chance sir.  You never loved me.  

Siddhant: Hmmm.  So i never loved you.  But got physical relation with you right.

Naina: SIr!!! what are you talking?

Siddhant: Yes Naina.  We had illegal relation & you even did abortion right.

Naina: SIr, please stop talking like this.  i am married.  Its good that my husband went out side.  He may reach here any moment.  What if he hear all these?

Siddhant: Oh Is it?  So what do you mean?  We never had physical relationship & you never had abortion.  Also you never resigned job because of me.

Naina: Of course sir.  You never even touched me.  Infact you are not the person who look at other girls.  Then physical relationship is something very far.  I too did not had any physical relationship with anyone till my marriage.

Siddhant: Oh ok!  ROli, come in.

Roli entered the room.

Naina got shocked.

Roli: Naina, tell me which one is true.  The one you said now or the one you said on that day.

Naina got nervous.

Her body started shivering.

Siddhant: Naina tell the truth otherwise if we ask these questions in front of your husband it will not be nice.  You did very good job of spliting us.  But we are not of such kind to separate you both as we know the pain.

Naina: Sir...

Roli: Naina, tell me.. You showed me photos.  You showed me abortion bill of hospital.

Naina started crying...

Naina; I am very sorry..

Roli: Naina, we dont want your sorry now.  We want the truth.. Tell us the truth.  

Naina: All were fake which was taken purposefully.

Roli: Fake.  Who told you to do that?

Naina: Your father.

Naina explained what happend at that time..

Roli gave a tight slap on Naina's face.

Roli: How much you were worried when it is about your life?  But you know the consequences of your lie in our life.

Naina: I am sorry.  But he paid me money and told me to shift to our native place.  Few months back only i got married & returned here.

Siddhant: Roli i was searching for her address all these days & only today i got the details. That is why i bring you here so that you can know the truth.

Naina: I am really sorry sir.  I did a big mistake.  After doing that so many days i was feeling guilty about what i did.  But got no courage to meet you both & tell the truth.

Roli: You You..  It is my mistake than yours that i did not beleive my Siddhant over you.

Siddhant: Roli, just relax.  No use of telling her anything.  Lets go.

Siddhant came out of the house holding ROli's hands.

They went near the car which was parked in a corner under a tree.

Roli started crying badly.

Siddhant went near her and tried to consol her.

Roli lean on his shoulders.

ROli: I am sorry siddhant.. You were right.  I was wrong.  I dont deserve you.  I dont deserve you.

She moved away from him and tried to move from there.

Siddhant hold her hands and pulled her near him.

Siddhant: Roli there was no mistake of you in this.  You did not made any mistake or wrong.  We both were affected by the game played by your father.  Nothing else.

Siddhant hug her tightly and consol her.

Then Siddhant made her to get into the car.

Siddhant gave some water to her to calm her down.

ROli: Siddhant what all mistakes i have done.  I believed her words, then i took divorce from you, then hide about our child to you, i made him call you uncle, i stayed away from you as well as made you to stay away from our son.

Siddhant: Roli, as i said 'y' have gone as you came to know the truth and you accepted as our son.  That is enough.  Just leave all the past.  Lets life together happily from now.

Siddhant consol her and they drive towards their house...

Roli slowly stopped crying.

Siddhant: Thats like a good girl.  Now it is not time for crying.  It is time to celebrate.  My queen & prince returned to my life...

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