Roli's function

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Roli was sleeping on siddhant shoulders peacefully.

 Siddhant was not getting sleep.

Siddhant was hearing her words again & again.

Siddhant was on deep thinking.

 Finally he arrived some solution & slept.

 Next day mataji came to siddhant.

Mataji: siddhant, is she alright.  Any problem?

Siddhant: roli is completely alright.  But she is feeling some loneliness.

Mataji: in this stage she should not have such worries siddhant.

Siddhant: don't worry.  I have decided what is to be done.  Mataji some function is there right for pregnant women.

 Mataji: yes siddhant.

Siddhant: can you make arrangements for that.

Mataji: sure siddhant.  Why not!  We will do that.

Mataji immediately contacted for auspicious date & time for that function and informed Siddhant.

Roli came out taking bath with a smile.

Roli: siddhant you not yet started to office yet.

Siddhant: I will start.  By the way, you know mataji arranged for function for you.

Roli: function for me?

Siddhant: yes.  For my roli.

Roli: the functions happens for first child.  But for gitesh itself nothing was done.  Why now?

Siddhant: roli, we were not there with you during gitesh pregnancy.  Now we all are here.  So we will do the function.

 Mataji: roli he is right.  We have decided for the function.

Roli eyes filled with tears of happiness and she lean on mataji shoulders.

Mataji caresses her hair.

Siddhant in a while started to office...

Siddhant who started for office went to Divedi house instead of office.

Siddhant stopped his car near the gate & talked to watchman.

Sid: inform sir that his son in law has come.

Watchman went inside & in a while jamanlal himself came out & instructed watchman to open the gate.

Jamanlal: welcome.

 He welcome & siddhant entered in to the house.

Jamanlal called his wife too.

Meena too welcome him.

Siddhant: you both might have got surprise on seeing me.  But I have come to do something good.

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