Chapter 1~ Chaos and Cursing.

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Avalon's P.O.V

"He doesn't seem that bad," I tell Beverly with a shrug.

"He's a senior who sticks crayons up his nose," she states, "he's worse than bad."

I laugh at that. I love how dramatic my best friend is.

"But seriously Bev, there are many guys out here than just... Chris?" I say his name with disgust.

Chris is now Beverlys ex-boyfriend, they broke up a week ago when she caught him cheating on her at a party. She was really depressed but I encouraged her to move on and find someone else like Chris did-- which didn't take long.

My eyes avert over to the football table since he's on the football team. A blonde chick sits on his lap as she feeds him food and giggles.

He'll have somone new by last block.

"What if no one likes me the way he did?" She pouts as she chews on her apple slices.

"Your a very beautiful girl, and if no one can see that, then their a fool," I say and grab her hand.

She smiles, "thanks Ava."



I hurry my way down the hallway in a rush.

I needed to get home because I needed to study for my Spanish test tomorrow and I stayed back a little extra to help Mr. Kenney grade papers.

Teachers pet.

My hands were filled with books that I didn't need to bring home.

Suddenly, that's when I bumped into something hard causing me to fly back and land on my ass, my books flying everywhere as they leave my hand.


"Could you watch where your going clumsy klutz," a voice growled.

I look up and are met wth the face of Aiden Parker.


And let's not forget his two best friends. River and Hunter.

Isn't this just great.

I collect everything and stand up wiping off any imaginary dust.

"Excuse you but I believe you ran into me," I state as a crowd of people surround us.

Well, I don't think it was actually his fault because I wasn't looking where I was going but he didn't need to know that.

He's already conceited himself and I don't want his ego getting bigger.

"Maybe if you would hold your fucking head up, you wouldn't have ran into me," he spits back.

Wow. Someone really pissed in his frosted flakes this morning.

It isn't like I meant to run into him. He was the popular guy at school who had a reputation for having sex with girls and leaving them heartbroken in the dark. But yet, everyone still adored him. Aiden was also on the football team, that explains his bug arms and a six pack for a stomach.

How do I know that?

"Apparently you saw me coming, so why didn't you move out the way?" I question. I was not about to argue with this guy.

"Because I don't move for people, they move for me," he says as his green eyes darkened.

Is it just me or is that hot?

Shut the heck up Avalon! Do you hear yourself?

Not really but-

"Clearly her legs are as useless as her brains," Aiden cuts me off.

Can someone please tell me who made this guy upset because he doesn't have to mad this much.

I was growing tired. Everyone stared with their phones out. Hunter and River stood on either side of him not saying a word but their eyes focused on me. Why don't they have control over their friend?

"Let me tell you-"

"No," I cut him off getting irritated, "You could be a little more polite. If your dick wasn't in your personality maybe you could grow some balls and be the bigger person and let it go. You should go see a therapist or something for that attitude of yours because you have no right to be angry and take it out on me. Grow up," and with that I walked past him with a bump to his shoulder.

That didn't phase him but it surely did phase me.

"Ouch," I mumble to myself.

I left the school without even going to me locker for my Spanish book.

Look whose gonna fail.


First chapter of my first book!

Hope you like it.

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