Chapter 10~ Don't Ask.

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Avalon's P.O.V

"Are you gonna tell me who the hell Cole is?" I ask as I cross my arms.

He doesn't meet my gaze, "you shouldn't know."

He left before I could speak again.

"Are you serious?" I ask myself.

"Aiden does that," a voice said from behind me.

River and Hunter were walking my way. Hunter's eyes glued to his phone and River with a smile on his face.

"Why was he acting like that?" I ask them as they stop in front of me.

"Him and Cole aren't the... best of friends," River says slowly.

"What happened between them?" I ask.

"Don't ask. You shouldn't know," Hunter bluntly says.

The mute talks?

I sigh and ran my fingers through my hair.

"Lets go, me and Hunter were meeting a few buddies. I'm sure they wouldn't mind if you tagged along," River smiles guiding me outside.

"What about Aiden?" I ask.

"He'll be there soon."


I didn't feel comfortable at all. Well, my nerves eased when Hunter and River were beside me on the couch but that was it.

The house were filled with some guys and the rest girls, trying way to hard to get into bed with one of them.

A house. I felt awfully uncomfortable. The guys did nothing but flirt continuously with him and I kindly shut them down.

They were nasty teenage boys who were looking for anyone that could cute their sexual hormones.

I thought we were going to get food but my hopes were up when they took me here.

A house I'm not familiar with. The owner was some guy named Tony. He had dark brown hair that was styled perfectly and dark brown eyes.

It was clear the girls adored him the most because they miserably flirted with him. Twirling their hair and resting their legs on top of his.

I felt kinda bad. Tony didn't see no interest in them, his eyes were only focused on one person.


I don't know why or how but I could tell he was interested in me. Not trying to get big headed or anything but it's true.

Don't get wrong, Tony is hot but I feel as if I shouldn't get involved with him. He looks like trouble.

I felt uneasy from his gaze and I shifted uncomfortably.

"What's your name?" He asks me causing everyone to shut up.

Wow. They shut up quicker than Taylor Swift thinks of a song about her ex.

"Uh... Avalon," I stutter not looking into his eyes.

"You know these two douche bags?" Tony asks referring to Hunter and River.

"Hey! I'm sitting right here," River protests. Hunter way too involved with his phone to be noticing anything.

How do girls find this attractive?

"Which means you know Aiden," he adds with a smirk.

I nod my head slowly, not knowing if I know him.

"They haven't brought a girl back since Em-"

"Shut it Tony," Hunter cuts him off shooting him daggers.

Tony chuckles, "So she doesn't know?"

"Know what?" I ask now curious.

Tony laughs before getting up and walking into the kitchen.

Know what?! I was so curious about what he was gonna say.

I felt uncomfortable again. It was silent, too silent before someone came through the door.

Aiden. He breathed heavily, his dark hair was messy, sticking up everywhere. His eyes scanned everyone before landing on me.

I quickly looked away.

"What the hell is she doing here?" He practically growls.

"Your two best friends," Tony laughs, his back turned to us.

"Really guys?" Aiden asks as he walks over.

Hunter quickly threw his hands up surrender, "that was all River."

"Thanks bro," River rolls his eyes, clearly not happy about his friend snitching on him.

Aiden grabbed my hand before yanking me off and dragging me to the front door.

"Don't leave so early Aiden," Tony says from the kitchen which makes us stop.

Aiden clenched his jaw and balled his fist up.

"We need to go," he says bluntly.

"I'm sure the girl doesn't wanna go," he says motioning over to me.

I want to go. I didn't meet their eyes, my mouth was glued shut unable to speak.

"Wow, you got her wrapped up in you Aiden," Tony chuckles.

I move closer to Aiden, his hand securely on me. I could Aiden was furious. His eyes were dark and his body was tense as if he was ready to launch at Tony in a matter of seconds.

"I never thought you would find someone else so quick," Tony says.

Someone else?

"We aren't dating," I tell him in case his mind was going there.

He looked surprised, "Ah."

Aiden finally dragged me out of there.

"What the hell Avalon!" He shouted at me.

"What?" I ask.

"Are you serious? What were thinking about going there with Hunter and River?" He asks.

"I didn't know they were gonna take me here. If i wanted to leave I couldn't because I didn't know my way home from here," I cross my arms.

"And you didn't ask one of them to take you home?" He asks.

Well, I couldn't find the right words. It's like my mouth couldn't cooperate with my mind which was frantically yelling.

I wanna leave!

I wanna leave!

I wanna leave!

I had no idea why I stayed there for that long even though River and Hunter would keep me safe.

"You shouldn't let them take you anywhere."


Boring... I know but trust me, next chapter is gonna be so.... wooh! Interesting. I already have an idea about what's gonna happen between Avalon and Aiden.

Just you wait;)

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